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Camila squinted at the light shining in the bus through the edge of the curtain. She looked over in the crowded bunk to see Lauren on her left side, with closed eyes and an angelic appearance. Camila had recovered and Austin was in police custody, with a promise of very long jail time. Camila smiled as Lauren's eyes fluttered, a sign that she was waking up of course. "Morning." Camila smiled at the green eyed girl. Lauren smiled and turned over. "Hey Camz. Did you sleep well?" Camila nodded. "Yeah I did, how about you?" Lauren nodded, opening her arms for a cuddle with her friend. "I don't wanna get up just yet." She explained to Camila who wrapped an arm around Lauren's waist and kept one against her chest as she gently lay her head there. "I don't think we have anything on till tonight anyway." She smiled and yet out a puppy like yawn. "Still sleepy babe?" Camila hummed. "Maybe just a little." Lauren heard her name being called and turned around a bit to find out the source. "Hey Dinah." Dinah pouted. "Dang why can't I have cuddles?" Camila looked up. "You can't fit in the bunk." The Cuban pouted before she let out a giggle. "I'll cuddle." Normani jumped onto Dinah's back making her jump. "Ew gross," Dinah joked making Normani frown. "Fine, screw you then. Ally will cuddle with me. Hey yo Ally!" Normani called out and the shorter girl asked why her name was being called. "Will you cuddle with me?" Normani asked and when she heard no reply she pouted. That was until Ally appeared at her side wrapping her arms around her fondly with closed eyes and a contented smile. Normani smiled and hugged her back. "See that y'all? At least Ally loves me." Normani stuck her tongue out at them making them chuckle. "Yes I do." Ally squeezed her in the hug and kissed her cheek. "Now can you guys all cuddle somewhere else?" Lauren teased, "Yeah you're invading the peace and quiet we were enjoying." Camila added. Dinah leaned into the bunk and pressed her lips to Lauren who smiled into the kiss till Dinah pulled away. "I'll see you in a bit." Lauren said and Dinah nodded. Camila leaned over Lauren for Dinah to kiss her cheek as she hinted that she wanted to. "I love you Mila, don't ever forget." Dinah smiled warmly, Camila smiled back and nodded. "I love you too Cheechee." Dinah nodded, satisfied with her answer and smile, and headed to the lounge area of the bus. She was glad her and Camila has rekindled their long going friendship. It didn't take too long for Lauren to want to see Dinah so she and Camila got up and went to see what the girls were doing. "I wanna do something really fun today." Ally said, this sparked everyone's interest seeing as they were currently all bored out of their minds. "What are you suggesting Smalls?" Dinah asked as she spread out her legs onto Normani's lap. Normani pushed them off making Dinah huff but Ally answered to distract them from a possible feud. "I was thinking we could go down to the animal shelter. There's a puppy one not too far from here, we could play with them before we go for the red carpet?" Lauren clapped her hands excitedly. "I wanna do that!" She pointed at Ally and jumped up from her seat next to Dinah, hugging the shorter girl from behind. "Sounds good, I love puppies." Camila smiled. Normani eyed her "Yeah, but we better watch this one closely or we'll end up taking one back with us and we can't have a tour puppy. Management wouldn't let us keep it in a million years." Dinah huffed. "A tour puppy would be so cool!" Lauren pulled her girlfriend up and gave her a peck on the lips. "I'll be your puppy." Dinah smiled fondly and shook her head. "Okay but if you pee outside then I am so breaking up with you Laur." She teased making Camila laugh. "Ew, okay no I'm not being your fucking puppy dog anymore." Lauren cringed. Normani pushed the girls to the front of the bus eagerly. "Okay guys that's enough, now let's goooo!" Before they knew it they were all at the animal shelter, and they all had puppies in their laps. "I'd call this one Midnight. Guys just look how cute he is!" Lauren cooed as the small black puppy licked her face. "This cat keeps ignoring me!" Camila shouted from the other side of the room as she tried to corner a tabby cat. "Camz leave it alone! Come get a puppy!" Lauren called back, Dinah was just laughing at how hard Camila was trying and how the cat literally ran out the room to avoid her. "I'm convinced animals hate me." Camila pouted. Ally picked up a spaniel puppy and placed it in Camila's arms. Camila squealed as the puppy began to lick her face all over and nudged at her cheeks, happy of the attention. "See, animals don't hate you. I'd say this one loves you." Ally smiled as the watched Camila pout at the pup for more kisses. "Mine's fast asleep." Normani stroked the dogs ear making it wake up suddenly and get off her lap. "Dang it." She frowned. Until the dog came back with a ball. "Mani I think he wants to play Fetch." Dinah observed. "Girl, not in these heels." She sassed. "Just take them off, it's sunny outside." Ally encouraged. Normani sighed and gave in, taking off her heels and went out to play with the dog. "Ally why is it doing that to your leg?" Camila stifled a laugh. Ally shrieked and Lauren and Dinah burst into laughter. "Oh my god! But I thought this one was a girl!" Ally picked it up and observed it in shock. Dinah smirked and put her brown eyed puppy down. "It is!" Lauren chuckled, "She must be on heat or something." Camila reasoned as her puppy circled her feet. "Ugh this makes me miss my dog so bad." Lauren pouted. "I really wish that we could get a tour puppy." Camila said and Ally shook her head. "It wouldn't be fair to it." Camila huffed and went to argue. "Demi has Buddy! Why can't we get a dog too?" Both Lauren and Dinah looked at Ally with puppy dog eyes. She did have a pretty good point. If Demi could look after a puppy and still tour, then why couldn't they? Ally looked at all the puppies they had and they all seemed to suddenly be looking at her with their biggest, and saddest eyes. It was as if they all knew they had a chance to have a home. Ally whined in defeat, she was too weak to resist the puppy eyes of both the dogs and her friends. She got out her phone, "I'm calling Will to check if we can get a puppy." Ally said, Camila and Lauren high-fived each other and then Camila jumped into Dinah arms in celebration. "What'd I miss y'all?" Normani came in and Dinah grinned. "We might actually really be getting a tour puppy Mani!" Normani squealed and jumped up and down. Ally came back in the room and all eyes were on her, even the puppies. "Will said yes!" She squealed and all five girls had a group hug before they all stared down at he puppies filling the room. "But guys how do we choose just one?" Lauren gulped, Camila picked up the one Lauren had in her lap and gave it to her. "Well you did already pick his name," Ally smiled. "And he's very cute too," Normani stroked his ears. "Plus look at his little eyes," Dinah pouted. Camila grinned. "Wanna come on tour with us Midnight?" The black puppy yapped excitedly at Camila, that was it for them. Midnight was their new tour puppy. "And he'd make a pretty good guard dog as well." Ally noticed as she remembered his breed, purebred too. "No more big bad Mahones, eh boy?" Dinah ruffled his ears earning a growl in confirmation. Camila giggled. "He's just perfect." Lauren pouted and leaned down to the puppy. "Aw, who's a good boy?" She cooed, the puppy licked her face excitedly. Dinah eyed him and put her hand in front of his face. "Okay I'm not competing for my girlfriend with a dog though." Lauren rolled her eyes at Dinah and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. "Girlfriend kisses and puppy kisses are completely different." Lauren said before she leaned to whisper in her ear. "Plus, I can't fuck a dog like I can fuck you." Dinah turned a deep shade of red and her eyes widened. "Are you okay there Dinah?" Camila asked with a smirk as she and Lauren exchanged a knowing look. "Y-yeah. Let's just get this puppy and go." She rushed making them all laugh at her sudden urgency, especially Lauren. Oh, how good it felt to be a happy group again.

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