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"See you soon, okay?" Camila said as she pulled Lauren into a hug. Lauren hugged her back tightly, full of fear. "Please stop shaking, you'll be fine Lolo and you know I'm only a phone call away, and I'll come over if you really need me." Lauren took a shuddered breath. "You would do that?" "Yes, yes of course I would, I promise." Lauren nodded and pulled away from their hug. Camila reached for her hands and squeezed them reassuringly. "You got this Lauren." Lauren nodded slowly and kissed Camila's cheek. "Thank you, you're sweet Camz." Camila pouted adorably and bopped her nose. "Sofi's waiting for me and she's so impatient, so I've gotta go. Call me if you need me alright? Even if it's in like 10 minutes." Lauren nodded and sighed, looking back to where her parents would be in a minute. "Te amo Lauren." "Te amo." Lauren smiled slightly. "Go to Sofi, I'll be fine." She added when she saw her friend's hesitation. "Sure? I can wait for your parents with you." Lauren shook her head. "No no, you go, and send Sofi all my love okay?" Camila nodded and smiled with her teeth showing. "I will." Lauren nodded and watched as Camila ran to her little sister and hugged her tightly, spinning her around happily. She wished she could still do that with Taylor. "There she is! Lauren!" Lauren heard her mother call out and put her best smile on as she went and hugged her. "Hi sweetheart, oh I've missed you, how are you babygirl?" Lauren broke down then and there in her mother's arms, something about her hold and her gentle voice, and the time away from her was overwhelming, it was too much to handle. "Lolo what's wrong?" Her father gasped and rubbed her back soothingly. "Oh no mija.." Clara sighed and stroked her hair, sharing a worried glance with Mike. Mike shook his head and sighed. "Come on baby, let's all get home." Mike lay a hand on his eldest daughter's back and guided Lauren out while her mother took her bags for her. Lauren was silent on the way home, a mess of thoughts running round her head. She decided to check her phone. 1 message from Normani, 1 from Ally, 3 messages from Dinah, and already one from Camila.

Manibear🐻💖: Stay safe babe, I love you. I hope you and Mila landed okay, before you say anything, don't worry I texted her already. Call me if you need me boo! I'm always here. xx

Allycat🐱: Laurennn I miss you :((

DinahJane👑😍: Hi baby, my flight landed earlier than I thought, and oh my god I actually slept on the plane. I hope you land okay, I love you babe.

DinahJane👑😍: I miss you already, like so much it hurts.

DinahJane👑😍: Can I please call you tonight baby? I really miss your voice :(

Camzi😘🍌: Are you holding up okay Lolo? Love you, Sofi says hi, and she loves you more than me :/

Lauren smiled at the texts, she loved her friends to death, so she texted them back on her way home, the drive was going to be a fairly long once since it was the rush hour/hours.

To Manibear🐻💖: I'll try. We landed fine Mani, I love you too. xx

To Allycat🐱: Allyyyyyyy I miss you more mama :( oh! Don't forget to send my love to your Mom, of course, I hope that she's doing good.

To DinahJane👑😍: Hi baby, what?! You actually slept on the plane?? I'm amazed, you never do. And don't even go there 'cause I miss you more. I love you so much, of course you can call me tonight! Seven? FaceTime?

To Camzi😘🍌: I can't even believe myself. I literally had a breakdown 5 seconds into meeting my parents. Love you more! Damn, that's cold, tell Sofi I said not to be mean to you <3

Lauren got a message back from her girlfriend and smiled automatically.

DinahJane👑😍: Seven is a little early for me babygirl, the second I get back I gotta help put the kids to bed and have dinner etc. I know it's late and jet-lag and whatever, but is like ten-ish okay?

To DinahJane👑😍: I'll be awake for then, don't worry about it. Send them alllllllllll my love.

DinahJane👑😍: Yo that's a lotta love girl! Omg do you love them more than me???

To DinahJane👑😘: I could never!!

Camzi😘🍌: Do you want me to call you when you get home? Sofi said she was sorry and then fell asleep ON me. As if that's her apology. I can't move at all. She's taking up all the couch space and you know there's like none.

To Camzi😘🍌: uh..do you mind? I'm sorry I'm a pain. She takes up so much room, I remember.

DinahJane👑😍: Good!! I gotta put the pains to bed, see you tonight! Love you baby!🙈💋

Camzi😘🍌: Of course I don't mind. You're not a pain at all Lauren, don't think that. We're probably gonna be here all night, my backs gonna kill me in the morning😭😫

To DinahJane👑😍: I love you💖

To Camzi😘🍌: Bless, well hopefully maybe your mom or dad will take her up to bed soon, and then you can sleep in your nice, warm, comfy bed.

"Lauren honey, we're home. Chris can't wait to see you." Mike smiled. "I can't wait to see him either." Lauren smiled. Lauren and her brother were about as close as siblings could get and closer.

Camzi😘🍌: I freaking hope so, I'm getting cramps over here.

To Camzi😘🍌: TMI much!

Suddenly, as Lauren stepped through the door the girl was engulfed in a huge bear hug and she knew by the smell it was her brother. "Lauren! You're finally home! I missed you." Lauren nuzzled her face into his shirt and hugged him back. "I missed you too." Chris was about to pull back but Lauren hugged him tighter. "No, please, just a little longer." She mumbled. Chris squeezed his sister in the hug and shared a look with their father. "Is she okay?" Chris mouthed. Mike shrugged and smiled sympathetically and joined his wife in the kitchen. Lauren's phone rang which broke the hug. "It's Camila. I gotta take this.." "Go upstairs honey, give yourself some privacy and time to settle back in. Take your time." Lauren smiled slightly and went to her room. "Hi Camz." "At last! Dude I thought you weren't going to pick up. I mean it took long enough." Camila said. "Sorry." Lauren mumbled shyly over the phone. "Are you okay? Is it nice being home?" "Not really. It's a little weird, and I know it's my home, and I'm with my family after all this time but is it bad it's overwhelming me?" Lauren asked hesitantly. "No it's normal, I'm a little fazed too. I'm sure the other girls feel right at home. But what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright Lo?" Camila asked in a rush. "Yeah-no-I'm fine I guess it's just, I don't know." Lauren groaned, she was losing patience with herself. "It's okay, take a deep breath." Camila instructed. "Now exhale." Lauren breathed out and sat on her bed. "Thanks Camz." "You're welcome boo, now I have a really important question." "Shoot." Lauren nodded to herself. "How the fuck do I get Sofi off of me?"

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