CHAPTER 11:- Weeping warriors

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(Look at the picture)
The sun was down and we were still out. I looked at sky and he look really scared, what is so dangerous, that it makes warriors weep.
" sky" I whisper-shouted. He looked at me and put a finger to his mouth. Wow this thing must be scary. It was so silent all that I could hear was their wings beating and the wind flying past my wings. Looking down I could see something big moving through the trees. I looked at Curtis and pointed,he searched below and did a loud whistle. Oww. Sky was now looking at it and Ruby was starting to get scared.
" you told me to shut...." I was interrupted but sky.
" guards below get ready to speed fly, Curtis are you ready" he nodded and held me close. " three, two, one, GO!" We flew so fast it was breathe taking, literally. We got back just in time. Landing I ran to sky, who was puffed.
" what's out there?" I asked. Then I hear loud roar coming from the trees.
" that " he said pointing. Ruby ran to me and jumped up, I caught her and she started purring again.
" ok Jessica let's take you back to your room and we will start training tomorrow." I followed him. After they shut the door I fell into the bed. I was drifting off when suddenly Ruby jumps on my face.
" ahh what was that for?" I giggle and started running around. She did a little screech and jumped like a rabbit. Then I thought of something, I could train her. I ran out the door and found Curtis.
" Jessica you should be in bed, you have a big day tomorrow." He is so pushy.
"Do you have a whistle?" He raised his eye brow.
" yea why?" Ruby jumped on him"ahh" I laughed my head off.
" because I want to train her, she could help me." He gave me a whistle and Ruby.
" ok but don't stay up to late tomorrow is"
" a very important day I know." I interrupted him and ran back to my room.
" ok Ruby, let's get to work." I blew the whistle. I practiced the basic ones like sit and stay, she pick those ones up pretty well. We didn't stay up for long but she learnt pretty quick I also had an amazing trick to show Curtis. I woke up to Ruby clawing my feet. I stuck my head up and looked at her, she tilted her head and screeched. Plopping my head back down she jumped at me.
" morning Ruby" I said, with a screeched she flew over to my clothes.
" oh we have to go" I got changed and grabbed the whistle, blowing it twice made her jump on my back, I quickly grabbed my bow, gave it to Ruby and ran around trying to find Curtis. There was a big meeting in the great hall so I squeezed through to the middle.
" Great warriors there was another attack on the village, we lost 5 warriors and many are injured " Oh no where is Curtis, I search around and couldn't find him. But I found sky,
" Sky where is Curtis?" He turned to me  and replied.
" he's in the hospital with just a cut up arm. He's fine. Do you want to visit him?" I nodded and he showed me the way, we got there just as Curtis was leaving.
" Jessica, what are you doing?" Curtis has his arm wrapped up.
" coming to see you, are you ok?" Ruby jumped at Curtis.
" hey" he laughed " how long did you stay up last night?" Oh yea I wanted to show him something.
" oh yea watch this. Ruby fly" I blew the  once and pointed. She climbed down Curtis and ran towards me, she then positioned her self around my wings. And then opened her wings.
" cool isn't it, so if I need to fly somewhere and my wings are injured, or I get hurt she can help me." Curtis and sky clapped. It's weird because there are no girls here I'm surrounded by boys. I think if the weirdest things.
" that is great what else can she do?" Sky asked walking behind me.
" well she can sit, stand, attack, stay, speak, she can do this, she can fly on command and she will help me if I fall or need help. She is really good at learning." I said and blew the whistle and she climbed down and sat next to me. Curtis hummed and nodded,
" oh Jessica can she fly while holding you because we need to go" said Sky
" no only hover we will learn that later, let's run. Come on Ruby" I blew it and we were running down to the archery. It was so amazing, they have so many targets and angels practicing not just on the ground but in the air as well, there was also moving targets.
" Jessica we need to fly down so practice with Ruby now." Sky could of just carried me but oh well. "Ruby fly" and she was on my back." You ready" she nodded. We lifted of the ground and started to fly.
" Good job Ruby, now bank right" she quickly turned to the right and almost hit sky, but luckily he was watching.
" Great, now Ruby we need to get down there fast." After saying that she speed up and we were there super quick. But her landing needed some practice.
" are you ok Jessica?" Said Curtis as he ran to help me up.
" yea I'm fine, just a bit dirty that's all. Ruby that was amazing, but we need to practice landing" I laughed and she shook all her dirt onto everyone who was near her. All the men laughed and continued training.
" Princess Jessica" I turned around and saw Commander Ben, he introduced himself when I arrived. " that was great flying" he laughed.
" thank you and please just call me Jessica" he nodded and 3 archers came towards us.
" these are my best archers. This is archers Luke, archer Jordan and archer Gordon" Ruby hisses at him. All her feathers were ruffled and her eyes were focused on Jordon
" Ruby calm down he didn't mean to hurt you" I said, but she didn't stop hissing. I looked closer to Jordan and realized who he was.
" Jordan me and Ruby both have a thing in common" I said walking around to Ruby's back I grabbed my bow and arrow.
" what is that your majesty?" Said Jordan. I step around Ruby and pointed a arrow and Jordan.
" we never forget a face" Jordan's frown turned into a smile and he shot up into the air.
" hahahah you are very good your  majesty. How did you know it was me?" He said. I blew my whistle and Ruby flew me up.
" like I said I never forget a face, Draco" as I was flying up I shot his wing and he went plummeting down.

I think Draco needs a better life. Cereal all he dose is try and kill Jessica.
This chapter has been edited and finalized





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