Chapter 27:- Golden wings

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(This picture is what the gold feathers look like. I will try and put a drawing of what her wings look like on the next chapter)
" is she ok?" He said looking at me. He stared into my eyes, he was so worried. I nodded and he breathed out.
" ok that's good" he said. Then sky flew over.
" Curtis we were- what happened here? And why are her wings got golden feathers on them?" He said. Yes sky was seeing it right. Jessica's wings changed with her transformation, when she got new powers she got golden wings. The original colors are very faint almost white and they have golden freckles. Eventually her wings will be fully gold. She will be asleep for 2 days, so her powers can build.

Jessica's Pov
2 days later..
I opened my eyes and could see the beautiful sun, shining through my window. I lifted my head and saw Ruby laying around my feet. I wiggled a little and she looked up at me.
" yay, your awake" she said jumping up giving me a hug.
" yea, what happened?" I asked.
" well the necklace turned red, so you were drawn to the well to be given your powers and wings. So that you may defeat the evil that will destroy all the Angels" she said.
" what do you mean-woah" I said looking at my wings. They were beautiful Golden feathers freckled everywhere.
" yea they are pretty cool" said Curtis coming out from the darkness.
" how long were you there for?" I asked jumping up and hugging him.
" The whole time. You have a great bond between you and Ruby. When you passed out she came to me. I had no idea what she was trying to do but she grabbed me and brought me over to you. I don't think we would of found you if Ruby didn't come and get me" he said.
" yea I know she's the best" I said hugging her. Then a guard came crashing through the door.
" commander, there has been a report of sightings of Dracos men attack the far village" he said in a hurry.
" ok how far are they?" Replied Curtis. I stood up next to him.
" They are about an hour away"said the guard.
" evacuate the towns people and ready the men" he said and the guard ran off. " Are you ready to fight?" He asked.
" no" I said. I ran into my closet and quickly got changed. And grabbed my bow." Now I am. LETS GO RUBY!" I said, on her way out Ruby slipped into her armor. Angels were flying every where. Then one crashed into me and I fell, I carefully landed and started running. I needed it.
" Curtis where is my post ?" I shouted. He flew down lower to me and so did Ruby.
"Your with me so just follow me ok." He said. We headed to the training grounds and then flew over the town.
" wow" I said. I could see the smoke from the other town.
" ok Jessica can you go get some men" he said.
" How many?" I asked. He looked down  and counted.
" all the archers. Get them to get their bows and more arrows, also go and put armor on." He said.
" why me ?" I said. " never mind  watch this" I said. I flew up and closed my wings. Pluming down just before to ground I opened my wings and landed perfectly.
" Good morning men" i said.
" good morning princess. Your wings look beautiful" said Kobi.
" thank you. As you have heard there was an attack at a village an hour away from here. Can anyone tell me the name of that village?" I asked.
" Sun, Jessica." Said Curtis flying down to me.
" Thank you. Sun was attacked so we are the team that is going to delay the enemy, while another team goes and looks for survivors." He said.
" now go and get your armor on and ready your bows we are leaving in 30 minutes" I said.
" yes ma'am" they bowed and left.
"Good.." Ruby jumped on my and knocked me down before she could finish.
" good job" laughed Curtis.
" did I do ok?" I asked sitting up.
" you did fine" he said helping me up and pulling me into a hug. " how many arrows do you have?" I pulled away and counted them.
" 10" I said.
" you need more, let's go the shop is right over there" he said.
" wait, Ruby can you go get my armor please?" I asked. She nodded and flew off. "Let's go" I laughed. We got to the shop and bought 20 more arrows. Ruby came back and curtis helped me put my armor on. We walked back to the spot and some men were already there.
" Curtis can you introduce me to some of your men" I asked.
" these are you men. And yes" he grabbed my hand and walked over to them. " I know you know Kobi, this is Kurt, you know Ben." He said.
" Hey Goldie" laughed Ben.
" Don't call me that" I whined .
" anyway, this is sky, and Jason and cameron are coming now." He said that and too angels landed.
" sorry we are late" said Jason, I'm presuming.
" your majesty. I'm Cameron, sorry for Jason he doesn't like royalty" said Cameron as he bowed.
" That's ok. Why don't you like royalty Jason?" I asked
" well I don't not like all royalty its just your father his rule are so..."
" annoying and useless" I finished.
" yea. That's exactly right" he said.
" Yea I know but I'm going to change that, ok so let's go" I said turning to Curtis.
" ok it's about an hour flight so,we will set up camp 20 minutes away from to town. Let's go" and we flew off . Ruby flew next to me and the men were flying around me. I am going to be an easy target because they can see my wings. We flew for a while I didn't keep count of how log but we stopped and landed in the forest when the sun was low.
" ok quickly set up the tent, Jessica and Ruby let's go hunt" said Curtis. He ran into the trees and we followed. As we were running I tripped over, Ruby didn't see me and fell on my as well.
" are you ok?" I asked.
" Yea I'm fine, are you?" She said getting up.
" just a little dirt" I wiped some off and looked around. " we lost Curtis" Then I saw a deer in the distance.
" Use your bow Jessica" whispered Ruby. I lowered myself a bit and grabbed an arrow. I aim my arrow towards the deer and shot it. I dropped down and I ran towards it. As I was running, I saw a figure walk to it. I quietly walked, I then pounced onto the person and pinned it to the ground holding dagger to its throat.
" ahh. Jessica it's me" shouted Curtis.
" oh hahaha. Gotcha" I stood up and helped him. I looked at the deer, the arrow went straight into its heart.
" Nice shot" laughed Curtis." I was just about the shoot it but then it dropped. So I ran over to it and saw your arrow. Haha. Let's take it back to camp before its to dangerous." We got back and put he deer next to the fire, I was on watch first, so I flew up the giant bald tree and sat just above the trees, the camp was in a small clearing. I looked down and the fire and saw Jason and Cameron cutting up the deer. I vomited in my mouth. Ruby flew up and sat next to me.
" so what type of powers do I have ?" I asked.

Author note

Thanks for reading.



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