Chapter 19:- Prince Problems

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" oh hey How are your wings?" Asked Jackson. Omg yea it's been long enough. I twirled around and almost tripped. I shook my wings and then Curtis put his hands on my shoulders.
" follow my wings" he said. He opened his left wing. I copied him, right, both, flap. I noticed something on his wing but ignored it.
" ok I am going to do this" I said and lifted off "Ha I'm flying. IM DOING IT" tears of joy rolled down my face. I flew around and twirled around. Then I crashed. From the ground I looked up and saw Curtis.
" I'm ok" I laughed and flew up to him.
" you are doi" I kissed him before he finished.
" thank you" I said.
" for what?" He raised an eyebrow.
" for always being there for me." I smiled and hugged him. " now let's go eat" I laughed.
" not if I get there first" he speed off. I was so close. But couldn't stop in time.
" haha I beat you" he said as I poked my tongue at him.
" what ever the important thing now is you can fly" said Ruby. I kneeled down and patted her. I smiled and she screeched. Now you can carry me jessica ( telepathy is in italics). Haha so funny Ruby.
" ok so I am doing your hair jessica so come to me 2 hours before the ball starts" said Jackson.
" the ball starts in 3 hours. Oh so that means we only have 1 hour to pick what your wearing. Let's go." I picked up Ruby and ran.
" Jessica you can fly" shouted Curtis. Oh yea. Do not drop me jessica. I snorted and flew off. We got to Curtis's room and I ran to his closet, but stopped when I was next to his bed.
" oh you already have something picked out for" i slowly mumbled.
" and for you to. I got Sky to get them." He walked up to me and helped me change.
" Curtis it's beautiful. Thank you" I kissed him.
" your welcome" we got changed and flew off to Jacksons room.
" where is he?" I asked.
" I don't know, Ruby your getting big. It's good your wings gonna be all better soon." He put her down and she walked up to me. Curtis was right Ruby when she was on all four paws was up to me stomach.
" yea. Ruby stand on you hind legs" I said.
" I don't think she can und...." Before he could finish Ruby was on her hind legs.
" owl Griffins are very smart Curtis. Haha. Now let's go find Jackson" Curtis grabbed Ruby and we flew everywhere.
" JESSICA. Over here!" Shouted Curtis. He found him and our table.
" found you finally " I ran up to him.
" I told you to meet me here. Ok now sit down" he grabbed me and plonked my butt on the seat. There was a lot of hair spray, going everywhere. After changing it hundreds of times we finally found one. My hair was curled and my fringe was pulled back into a small flower at the back.
" perfect now go your running a little late"I thanked Jackson and flew of with Curtis and Ruby. I walked in and some one introduced us.
" may I introduce Princess Jessica and Commander Curtis" he bowed and everyone turned around. This time I could fly, but I didn't. I walked down the stairs with Ruby. And didn't trip.
When I was down everyone went back to talking.
" congratulations Jessica" laughed Curtis.
" for what?" We started dancing.
" not falling down the stairs" I punched him in the arm. "Oww what was that for" he whined.
" you know why. Oh I haven't gotten a speech ready yet" I said.
" right on que. again. Here you go" pranced Jackson. He handed me a speech.
" thank you" I said. Everyone is always here to look out for me. Jessica a prince is coming one o'clock. I looked behind me. One o'clock not 6. I turned back around and there was a prince right in front of me. He made me jump.
" good evening princess. I am prince Garth" he spitted. More like prince barf, am I right. I laughed at him but then stopped.
" good evening prince barf.. I'm mean Garth. Is there something I could help you with?" I looked down and Ruby was watching him.
" I was wondering if I could have this dance with you. Unless Commander Curtis wants to be a princess hog." He walked up to him, Prince Garth had to look up because he was so short.
" sorry prince Garth but I am sorta busy" I said hooking my arm around Curtis's. Garth smiled and walked away.
" we better get this speech over and done with, cause I wanna go practice" I said.
" are you sure?" Asked Curtis. I nodded and we walked up to the podium. No one was looking at me. Ruby can u screech please. She did a really loud one and ran next to me.
" thank you. I have an important announcement to make." I unfolded the piece of paper and read what Jackson wrote.
" to all the handsome princes here today, thank you for coming. When I first came here I didn't expect to end up where I am now. You are all are strong and handsome men, you will all find your princess one day. But not today, I know that you have all come to win over my hand, but, I have already found some one. He isn't a prince but he is who I love. And some of you can probably relate to that. Maybe you know a beautiful lady and she's not a princess, but you still love her. And you are probably thinking of her now, please when you go back home ask her out, get to know her. And all ways remember to follow your heart. Thank you for coming tonight." I finished and walked of, I fell down the stair but Curtis caught me.
" how are you always the one to be there when I fall?" I laughed.
" I'm every where" we laughed for hours and danced forever.




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