Mind Games

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You visited me again in the worst of ways,
But I was not so eager,
For you to stay.

You come around to bring harm,
Unlucky for you,
I can disarm.

I wanted you to travel far,
So the only connection we could have,
Would be a star.

Nothing between us but distance,
Love or hate,
I can't tell the difference.

You act as if you're stuck.
Trying to get close to me,
I wish you the best of luck.

Trying to come back around fast,
But I'm quicker,
And you're just a thing of the past.

I can never fall for your lies.
I cannot be tricked,
I see the truth in your eyes.

Your power drained away in an hour glass,
Something you couldn't control.
Your hold on me could never last.

You stay away from me physically,
But you've got a map,
That leads straight to me emotionally.

I've got a knight in shining armor.
He is someone you dislike,
Someone you won't honor.

I'll be protected,
From anything you try.
We are no longer connected.

Away is where you should go.
How can you not see,
That your game has grown old.

My mind plays the worst of tricks,
It will take time,
But I'll never forget.

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