(Another) Author's Note

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Hello Everyone! Puplup has FINALLY updated! Woohoo to me! //does a little victory dance// Okay, I'm being very unprofessional... So? This is just an author's note anyway. So, lemme explain some stuff to you.
1. The Title
Do you guys get why the title is Charm My Heart? Well, it's pretty obvious (I think) but for those who don't get it, I named it Charmed because of the Charming Siblings. It talks about the love story of the Charming siblings.
2. The Narrator
The main narrator is the male narrator (the one in the webisodes) but I might add Brooke. She is a pretty cool narrator.
3. The Plot
If you're wondering, "Hey! This is like the book/webisodes with a little bit of made up stuff here!" Well, yes! (Or at least kinda. I tweaked it) I already explained that in the first author's note.
4. The Characters
If you're all like "Who are these people anyway?" Then that probably means you don't know Ever After High. Just look them up at Google, YouTube, and maybe even at a library or bookstore. Or maybe you don't know them cuz you are a fan but you forgot some people but if that's not it then I don't know.
5. Characters (Again)
So, maybe you're asking "Will you make your own made up characters" then my answer is probably no. I might, though, I might. I wanna stick with the original characters cuz idk if you'll like made up characters.
6. Plot (again!)
Hey guys, I also run out of ideas, and you can give me some of your ideas. I can also take requests like what do you wanna happen in the story or what character will be the main character in the next chapter. I might also add some other couples like, idk, Huntlynn? I'm not sure with Bropper though cuz it's a love triangle. Ginger Breadhouse like Hopper, Hopper likes Briar, and Briar likes??? Anyway, that's all for now, bye!

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