Chapter 13 - Someone Special

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Darling sat there at the very back of the bus.

She was bored.

She sat alone at the backseat. She could use her gadgets, but she didn't want to. She could call her friends or her brothers to accompany and talk to her, but they were busy. Dexter was watching over sick Raven, and Cerise and Daring were playing Dragons vs Dragons with each other.

Anyway, she still wanted to talk to someone. Not just any someone, but someone special. Someone special like...

"True Love!" Briar shouted as if on cue, not knowing that Darling was thinking of that. Briar and Apple were telling their stories and they were just at the part when they get woken up by True Love's Kiss.

Anyway, back to Darling.

You sound just like Maddie. And, um, no offense Dear Author but that is really unprofessional-

'Kay, just get back to Darling. Ahem, back to Darling!

She wished that she had her own true love, and she was willing to wait. She just wanted her True Love to really be her True Love, not just some prince she just met or someone who wants to be famous by using Darling to be related to the most famous Charming family.

"I wish I had someone special..." She sighed. She knew a lot of people with someone special in their lives, even those who didn't know it yet like her brothers. She didn't have to be Cupid to know that Dexter and Raven had a thing for each other, and that Cerise and Daring were starting to develop feelings for each other.

Speaking of Cupid, didn't she have a crush on Dex?

Darling quickly glanced around to see if Cupid was with them. Luckily, Cupid wasn't there. Sure, Cupid may have been her classmate, but she said she might run late because she had to go home for an important family matter, so she wouldn't join them. She'd come at the second day of the field trip, aka tomorrow, and lucky for her, all the events would start at the third day. The first and second days of the field trip will be for rest and whatever the students want to do.

"Okay students, get your bags and we'll get off the bus. We'll walk to the camp." She heard her professor say. Instantly, she stood up and grabbed her bags. Some boys tripped on their feet just to get to her and insisted they carry her bags. Darling just smiled and shook sideways.

"Thank you for the offer but I can handle this on my own." She said. If her mom was here, her mom would scold her and probably say "Darling, dear, let them carry your bags. A princess must always have someone to carry her belongings.".

Darling sighed. She didn't want to be treated like a little girl. Like a little girl who couldn't do anything.

I'm not helpless, she thought. I could-

"Uh, professor?" A very familiar voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

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