Chapter 7 - Partners and Groupmates

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This is your male narrator and I will now narrate what happened after the chapter "Big Bad Secret". And again, I'm fairy sorry...

Ahem, now where was I? Ah, yes, Daring Charming brought Cerise Hood to the clinic. One they got there, the nurse started to do a checkup.

"Ow!" Cerise yelped as the nurse gently touched her bruise. She also had some scratches and a wound.

"I'm just going to cast a spell to get rid of all your scratches, and also that big wound of yours. The spell might sting though." The nurse explained as she examined her, and Cerise bit her lip and had a worried look on her face.

"Are you... are you scared?" Daring laughed. Cerise' worried look was quickly replaced with an annoyed one.

"What? No! You think I'm a wimp?" Cerise exclaimed, yet her face was as red as her hood. Not because of anger, but because of embarrassment. She elbowed Daring, and he quickly shut up.

The nurse cast the spell, but Daring noticed that Cerise held her breath. The spell only lasted 3 seconds though, and after that, Daring couldn't help but tease her.

"Oh, hex! That was so funny! Why, you should've seen the look on your face!" Daring was laughing so hard that he even had a hard time trying to talk.

Cerise turned 10 shades of red until Daring snorted. Even Daring's snorts were perfect, but Cerise still couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Ha! You just snorted! Eew!" Cerise said while laughing her head off. Now, it was Daring's turn to blush with embarrassment.

"Now, now, shouldn't you be heading of to class? Hex, you'll be late!" The nurse told them.

"Oh my Grimm! Professor Rumplestiltskin will have our heads!" Cerise and Daring both exclaimed. They rushed off and got to class just in time. There were only two empty seats. One beside Raven, and one beside Dexter, who was in front of Raven.

"Hey Cerise! Come, sit here!" Raven waved to Cerise.

"Daring! Come here!" Dexter called Daring.

They both took a seat just as Professor Rumplestiltskin came in.

"Time for Science and Sorcery class! We'll have a field trip tomorrow!" He announced.

"I'll group you into pairs. Now let's see, Briar and Apple, Ashlynn and Hunter, Poppy and Holly..."

As the list continued on, Cerise tapped Raven and leaned over to her.

"Huh? Oh, hey Cerise." Raven said.

"Where'd you think we'll go to in the field trip?" Cerise asked.

As they both continued to chat with each other, the boys also talked with each other.

"What took you so long?" Dexter asked Daring.

"Nothing much."

"What do you mean by 'Nothing Much'?"

"Well, Cerise got sent to the clinic and I went with her."

"What?! Why?"

"We were having a race and, well, she got injured."

"Why did you-" Dexter was suddenly cut of when something caught his attention. Something that caught his, Daring's, Cerise', and Raven's attention.

"Dexter and Raven, Daring and Cerise..."

The girls glanced at the boys. Dexter and Raven were partners, and so were Daring and Cerise.

"Looks like someone's gonna carry my bags." Daring smirked at Cerise.

"Not if I make you carry mine first." Cerise said and also smirked at Daring. They looked at Dexter and Raven and saw them looking at each other and blushing. Cerise and Daring looked at each other and raised an eyebrow. Since Science and Sorcery lasted two hours, all of them just chatted on and on about the field trip.

After class, Cerise grabbed Raven and cornered her.

"Why don't you two lovebirds just hang out? To plan for the field trip, I mean." Cerise teased.

"Stop it!" Raven instantly clasped her hand over Cerise' mouth. She looked at Cerise straight in the eye and smirked.

"What about you and Daring? You do seem to like him and he seems to like you back..."

Cerise just blushed in return. "Fine. I won't tell anyone." She said in defeat. "But, promise me that you won't tell anyone about- you know what." Cerise raised her pinky up.

"Promise" Raven said, raising her pinky up and clinging it to Cerise'.

"Hey, why were you and Daring late anyway?" Raven asked.

"I- I got sent to the clinic."

"What?! Why?"

Cerise quickly explained what had happened, and after that, they said their goodbyes. Cerise headed straight for the castleteria, but Raven decided to go somewhere else.

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