Chapter 6 - The Day Ever After

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I am so sorry dear readers, but I wasn't able to narrate what happened the day after Legacy Day. Please forgive me, your male narrator. In this chapter, I will narrate it.

Dexter woke up in the morning with a big smile on his face. Raven hugged me, she really did. Dexter thought. Wait a spell, Oh My Grimm! I hugged her back! He said, blushing furiously. "I can't believe she hugged me!" He shouted. "Wha- huh? What?" Hunter said sleepy. "Nothing!" Dexter replied instantly, not wanting anyone to know. As he was thinking of what happened last night, Raven also woke up in her dorm and was pretty worried about, well, everything. Legacy Day, not signing the Storybook of Legends, going POOF! Her thoughts then drifted back to Dexter. Oh Dexter, he's so sweet, and kind, and... and... he hugged me?! Oh My Grimm! I hugged him and he hugged me back! Raven thought, all giggly and happy. "Wait a minute, I hugged Dexter Charming, second son of King Charming, younger brother of Daring Charming, and the twin brother of Darling Charming?!" She said, shocked. Realizing what she said, she then quickly covered her mouth. She scanned the room, nervous that someone might've heard her. Phew, she thought. No one was in the room except her, and Apple already left. I am so sorry, Apple. She thought. As if on cue, Apple burst into the room and headed straight for her closet. Noticing that Raven was awake, she faced the floor and stood still, and Raven did the same. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Raven broke it. "I'm so sorry, Apple! I really am! It's just that I'm not... I'm not..." I stopped, remembering what Duchess said. There's no more evil act that can be done, Raven recalled Duchess saying that. "Evil" Raven finally said. Apple then spoke. "I'm... I'm also sorry. You know, for calling you..." She looked at Raven straight in the eye and gave her an apologetic look. "Calling you... Evil" she said looking guilty. "Oh" Raven said, looking back down at her feet. "Well, um, that doesn't mean we can't be..." Apple said, looking at Raven. "Friends?" Raven decided to say, giving a little, yet sincere smile. "Friends" replied Apple, giving Raven a hug. "Well, I have to take care of something." And with that, Apple ran off. Well, this is a hexcellent start. Raven thought. She then took a shower, put on a fresh, new set of clothes, and did a bit of thronework. Meanwhile, in the castleteria, the Royals and Rebels were arguing. "Raven totally ruined Legacy Day" Daring said casually. Blondie and Briar, who were both sitting on his table, agreed. Dexter also sat at their table, but he didn't agree. "Raven wants to write her own destiny, not be pushed around and told what to do by the Royals !" Cerise annoyingly tried to explain. "Why are you rebelling anyway? You don't have a bad ending, and you and your grandma would get a happily ever after!" Briar exclaimed. Cerise started to reply, "I... I..." She quickly bit her lip, grabbed her hood, pulled it closer to her face, and backed away. Everyone else just ignored her as Daring started another argument, and the Royals also "explained" what happened. After telling what "happened", all the Royals nodded except for Dexter. Blondie frowned and nudged him, so Dexter had no choice but to nod also. Look at Mr. Bigshot over here, Cerise said in her mind while glaring at Daring. Looks like he's the leader of the pack now. Leading a pack of mean Royals! Cerise shouted, yet in her mind again, still glaring at Daring. Now, the Rebels explained what really "happened", although what they said was also, well, not what happened. The Royals and Rebels complained about each others' stories until Hunter suggested "You know what, why don't we just ignore them?" The Royals and Rebels agreed and ignored each other, until Kitty did something, well, mischievous. Kitty threw her fries and hit Briar. "Oh hex, no you didn't!" Shouted Briar. Kitty again threw her fries and this time they hit Cerise. "Oh, it is so on..." Cerise muttered loudly. Then the food fight started. Rebels vs Royals. Apple and Raven entered the castleteria and saw what was happening. "We gotta do something!" Apple yelled. "Don't worry, I got this." Raven said calmly. A burst of magic came from her which startled the whole room, making everyone stop. "I know me and Apple don't see eye to eye," Raven stopped, waiting for Apple to continue. "But that doesn't mean we aren't friends. Besides," Apple continued. "It's not like we can change our destinies. We have happily ever afters," Apple said, signaling the royals. "While you don't." She ended, signaling to Raven. Raven felt her heart hurt. I-I thought we were friends... Raven said in her head. Instead, she said "O-kay...". She took a little spoonful of porridge and threw it on Apple's dress. "Oh! We're doing that... Again!" Apple exclaimed. She then took a bowl of jello and hit Raven right in the face. Then the good fight started again. Daring was enjoying it. He hit lots of Rebels already, and he was feeling proud. He noticed Cerise was trying to go away so he tried to hit her with yet another bowl of jello. It almost hit her when Cerise caught it with one hand, and her hood started to slip off. Her eyes widened and quickly used her other hand to keep her hood from falling. She glared at Daring as her eyes started to tear up. He didn't even notice until it was too late that she hit him with his own bowl of jello. "Hey Cer- Ugh! Seriously!" He complained. She glared at him one last time, her first tear slipping off her cheek, then she ran off. Why is she... Why is she crying? Was it because of that hood? That little hood? He wondered. He ran off, trying to find her. He caught a glimpse of her hood through the window. What?! No! She's going to the Dark Forest! He panicked in his mind. The Dark Forest was a very dangerous place especially for a damsel. He ran towards the Dark Forest and found himself standing on the entrance. Oh Grimm, here goes nothing... He ran in and shouted "Cerise! Where are you? Cerise!" He spent hours looking for her, but since the Dark Forest was, well, dark, he didn't notice that it was already nighttime. He was thinking of giving up, but chose not to. Suddenly, he heard someone crying. He ran there and found Cerise sitting on a tree stump. She looked up, saw him, glared at him, stood up, and started to run but Daring caught her hand. "Cerise! Stop running! I am fairy, fairy tired!" He complained. She just continued to glare at him and said "Then why did you follow me? Huh? So that you can rescue a little "Damsel in Distress" when it was technically your fault on why this "Damsel" is in distress?!" Daring started to glare "Oh? So trying to help a girl who I "hurt" is a bad thing? What in Ever After even made you run and cry? Your little hood?" Cerise was about to talk back but she hesitated, turned and looked away, bit her lip, then silently started to cry. "I-I'm sorry Cerise. I didn't know how important that hood is to you..." Daring started to explain, but Cerise shot back "That's right! You don't know how important this is to me!" It was true. Cerise' hood was fairy important to cover her wolf ears, and if she blew her secret, she and her parents could get into big bad trouble, that's why she was crying. She almost put her and her parents at risk. Daring noticed her face was fairy wet with tears and her eyes were red from all the crying. He also noticed that her eyes were somehow changing color, from gray to amber, then back to gray, then amber, and it didn't stop... yet. "Wow... Um, Cerise? Your... your eyes." Daring stated. Cerise didn't get what Daring was talking about until she realized that her inner wolf was starting to come out, so she quickly controlled it and her eyes finally settled on gray. She blinked repeatedly and said "Why? What's wrong with my eyes?" As if nothing happened. "They were turning, err, changing col- oh whatever-after! Nothing..." Daring said, clearly confused with what just happened. They just stared and looked away. "Why don't we just get back to school?" They both said at the same time. Daring answered "Yeah, we should really get back to school. Especially since we're in the Dark Forest, and this forest can be pretty dangerous, especially for a..." Daring was about to say "Dangerous for a girl", but Cerise raised an eyebrow as if predicting what he was about to say and her face was starting to get annoyed. "Nothing" He ended. As they walked back to school, he realized that he was still holding Cerise' hand. "Oh, um, sorry..." Daring pulled his hand away and they both blushed. Finally, they got back to Ever After High. "Well, I gotta go. Bye?" Cerise stared at Daring, waiting for an answer. "Uh, sure. Bye." Daring said. After that, they both went to their dorm rooms and fell asleep.

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