Chapter 15 - Walks

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"Hey Raven." Dexter, Darling, and Cerise said.

"What happened? Where are we?" Raven asked as she tried to get up, falling back down on her seat in the process. Dexter offered his hand to Raven, and she grabbed it and got up. She stumbled at first, but with a little more help and support from Dexter, she was able to maintain her balance.

"Thanks, but really, what happened, and where are we?" Raven asked. She looked through the windows of the bus and saw a place she's never seen before.

"Field trip, remember? "You" spent a lot of time preparing for this last night, remember?" Cerise replied, making air quotations with her hands as she said You.

"Oh, right. Yeah. Now I remember-" Raven mumbled but was cut off by her professor's voice.

"Students! Get out of the bus!" Professor Rumplestiltskin shouted, back to his old self.

"Um, guys, can we stop with the chitchat and get out of the bus first? Professor will have our heads if we don't." Darling notified, giving a little grin. Everyone then headed off the bus. Raven was having a bit of a hard time walking, so Dexter helped support her while Darling and Cerise carried their own and their friends' baggage.

"Hey ladies, need any help with that?" Asked Daring to Cerise and Darling who was carrying a load of bags.

"Are you trying to flirt with us?" Cerise asked while smirking, even though she meant it as a joke.

"You mean he's trying to flirt with you, Cerise. With you. He's my brother, remember?" Darling reminded. Daring and Cerise stopped dead in their tracks, with Cerise' smirk and laughter quickly fading. Darling smirked even bigger.

"W-what? No! I...uh..." Daring stammered. He felt his cheeks burn up. He didn't mean to flirt or anything, he just really talked like that sometimes. Cerise was blushing madly as well, unable to come up with a good excuse.

"Oh you guys, I was just kidding, duh!" Darling laughed. The look on her friend and brother's faces quickly changed from embarrassment to annoyance, but they still couldn't utter a single word. After a few moments, Daring finally spoke up.

"Seriously though, need any help with those bags?" Daring asked.

"Gee Dare, I don't know. You might have trouble bringing them." Cerise and Darling mocked. They didn't seem to have trouble in bringing them, so he thought he wouldn't have trouble as well.

"Ugh. I'll get it." He then grabbed some bags, and all of them carried the equivalent weight of stuff. He then noticed that it was heavier than he had expected, but he wondered how come the girls were able to carry it with such ease.

"Aww, thanks Daring! That is so sweet of you!" Darling mock-teased. After that, the rest of the group was quiet until they reached the campsite.


After they reached the campsite and were showed their rooms, the students were free to do whatever they want. Dexter accompanied Raven in her room, while Cerise, Darling, and Daring decided to venture out in the woods.

"Hey guys, I'll split first. Meet you at the campsite!" Darling chirped as she ran away. Daring would've offered to come, but he knew Darling would complain that she was being treated like a little girl. Plus, Darling could pretty much handle herself.

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