Chapter 10 - Packing

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Bedtime came in Ever After. Apple was already asleep, but Raven wasn't. As she set her bed and got ready to sleep, she received a hext message. She grabbed her mirrorphone and saw that Dexter was the person who messaged her.

Dexter: Sorry for disturbing you, Raven, but do you want me to bring some extra snacks for the camping trip?

Raven: Wait, camping trip?

Dexter: Yeah, camping trip. Don't you remember what Prof. discussed?

Raven: Uh, about that, I kinda didn't listen...

Dexter: What?!

Raven: Hey! You didn't tell me at lunch!

Dexter: Well I thought you knew!

Raven: Well, I guess I better pack. Thanks for reminding me. Bye!

Dexter: Bye, and good luck packing. The field trip would be really early tomorrow and you're packing late at night.

Raven: Thanks -_-

Raven was flabbergasted. She hasn't even packed yet and was totally cramming. She hexted Cerise.

Raven: Cerise! You up?

Cerise: Well, you woke me up. -_-

Raven: Did you pack? Turns out, we were camping tomorrow and I haven't packed!

Cerise: Really?! Good thing I packed early even if I didn't know. I'm always prepared. :P

Raven: Not funny. Help me pack.

Cerise: Why me? Why not your boyfriend?

Raven: Dex is not my boyfriend!

Cerise: I didn't say any name...

Raven: I mean-ugh!

Cerise: lol

Raven: What about you and, you know who.

Cerise: Shut it!

Raven: col

Cerise: Col?

Raven: Cackling out Loud. It's a witch thing.

Cerise: Right... But why me?!

Raven: Because you're so prepared and you know all about what to pack and do in the woods!

Cerise: Fine. You owe me one, Queen!

Raven: Yeah, whatever-after, Hood. Thanks a lot!

Someone suddenly knocked on Raven's door. She opened it and saw Cerise.

"That was fast..." Raven pointed out.

"You know why." Cerise said.

"Help me!" Pleaded Raven.

"Help you what?" Cerise said, although she knew what.


"Say please."


"Please what?"

"Please help me pack!"

"Please help you pack what?"

"Please help me pack or else you'll eat ONLY vegetables for the rest of the week and I'll tell everyone not to make and let you eat meat."

"Okay, okay!" Cerise finally said in defeat. Raven just smirked as she let Cerise in. They packed for the rest of the night, and after they finished, or at least, after Cerise finished, she was exhausted. Raven was snoring on the carpet with a pile of clothes on top of her.

"Hey, Raven!" Cerise whisper shouted as she nudged her friend to wake her up.

"Five more minutes mom!" Raven complained.

"I'm not your mom!"

"Then five more minutes Apple!"

Cerise tried to hold her laughter and just took a pillow and put it under Raven's head. She took away the pile of clothes on Raven and put a blanket on her, and left her lying on the floor. Cerise then left Raven and Apple's dorm, and went to her own. Cedar was already asleep, and as she went to her bed, she slowly closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

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