Chapter 1

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It had been one week since the turtles returned from Central America and everything was going great. Leo made a full recovery from his injuries, Raph was being nice to Leo and not fighting with him wonder how long that will last?

Donnie had designed a easier way to visit Mas- Splinter, and Mikey has beaten all his video game high scores 38 times. The trip to Central America still fresh on their minds each thinking about what happened after they found Leo. (Except Leo of course)


Leo laid on the couch still unconscious Raph sat in a chair next to him, Mikey watched over the kids while Ricardo was out working in the fields, and Donnie was constantly checking Leo's vitals.

Tomas walked over to Raph and placed a hand on his shoulder, his voice was soft "Señor Raph, do not worry Leo recover." The red banded turtle looked to the 12 year old boy and said "I hope your right kid...I hope your right."

Time skip in flashback:

It had been three days and Leo still hasn't woken up his brothers were restless wanting and waiting for him to, Raph was the most affected he wouldn't leave Leo's side watching over him day in and day out.

Donnie worried for Raph's health since he barely slept, and Leo was healing perfectly but just wouldn't wake up. Mikey...oh poor Mikey he wouldn't even smile anymore he just watched Dante and Miguel as they played.

Tomas and Alan understood what was happening since they were the oldest but Dante and Miguel had no clue, as the fourth day rolled around something amazing happened Leo woke up yes he was still sore and tired but he woke up and that was the best day in the three younger turtles life.

End of flashback

In present times the turtles just got done training it was still new to them that Leo was their sensei but he was good at it. Raph was chasing Mikey around the lair because he pranked him....again, and Donnie was in his lab working on some crazy invention of his.

Leo well he was in the dojo training, building his strength trying to fill the roll of eldest, leader, and sensei it was a lot to take care of but his family believes in him. The blue banded turtle was in the middle of a really complicated kata focusing only on his moves, so he failed to notice his brothers enter to watch him.

Raph and Donnie could tell something was wrong or bothering Leo because he didn't move with his normal grace, but what could be bothering fearless? Leo stopped and looked at his brothers before continuing quickly finishing the kata.

Raph asked "Leo what's up, is there something bothering ya?" The eldest turtle was slightly shocked at this question but answered anyways "I just have this weird feeling is all I'm sure it's nothing though." The three younger turtles nodded and left the dojo with their brother and now sensei following behind.

Mikey went to the kitchen to make dinner, Donnie went to his lab to resume working on some invention, Raph watched tv, and Leo he meditated in his room searching for anything that could make this feeling go away.

A few hours pasted of silence but then it was broken by Raph opening the door and saying "Yo Leo dinner is ready." It took a few seconds before Leo replied "I'll be down in a minute." The hot headed turtle nodded and left his eldest brother to silence.

Another few minutes pasted before Leo decided to go and eat with his younger brothers, on his way he could hear his brothers talking about Splinter and the trip to Central America.

Leo sighed and walked into the kitchen just as Mikey screamed "LEO YOUR FOODS GETTING CO-!" He was cut off by Leonardo putting his hand on his mouth quickly shutting him up, the Blue clad turtle spoke "Mikey your gonna make us all deaf one day screaming like that!"

The youngest turtle smiled clearly embarrassed and said "Sorry bro." During dinner Leo didn't say much...come to think no one really spoke even Mikey was quiet what has the world come to?! Raph quickly glanced up from his plate and looked at his older brother he could see the scars he earned from both trips to Central America.

The more recent scars stood out the most against his green skin, the sight of Leo laying against the tree barely moving flashed before the hotheaded turtles eyes making him shake his head as if to clear it. He hoped his brothers didn't notice thankfully Mikey and Donnie didn't but of course Leo did...but he stayed silent.

After dinner Donnie went back to his lab big shocker right, and Mikey went to play some video game that he had already beaten again, and Leo pulled Raph to the dojo.

With Donnie in the lab:

He was updating his computer software and upgrading his security, it was boring to and average person or turtle but to him it was fun and a easy way to pass time. He was typing quickly on his keyboard millions of different letters, numbers, and symbols covered his screen and more were quickly being added. (What he is typing you may ask its computer code)

With Mikey playing video game:

He beat the game again yay new high score making it the 39th time he has beaten this game, he was about to start the level over again (he's playing Mario Cart) when he noticed a wrapped box with a note on it. The prankster got up and grabbed the box, the note read 'Dear Mikey, I know you have beaten all your games so I got Casey to buy something for you - Leo'

Mikey opened to box to reveal 10 new games each being new and unopened. The games were Mario Cart 8, Super Smash Bros, Halo 5: Guardians, H1Z1, Lego Jurassic World, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Mad Max, Mortal Kombat X, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. (All real games)

With Leo and Raph:

Leo asked clearly concerned for his brother "Raph what's bothering you and don't tell me it's nothing because I know you Raph?" It took a while but he soon sighed and answered "I was just thinking about Central America and seeing you leaning against that tree badly hurt flashed in my head."

Leo placed a hand on his red banded brother and said "Raph don't worry we are safe and the scientists are gone I made sure of that." Raph nodded and said "Your right Leo thanks bro." The blue banded turtle nodded and watched his brother leave the dojo.

Little did Leo know something was coming, something big. But what ever it was he would protect his family even if it cost his life...hopefully it wouldn't come to that so soon.

Ok so I'm gonna do something I've never done...I'm posting one chapter at a time...normally I would type the whole book then publish it but this book has taken long enough to write since I've pushed it to the side but I'm working on it now so hope you like it and I'll try to post quickly since I have school, and ninjutsu I'll try

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