Chapter 6

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Warning lots of POV switching

In dojo:

Leo sat on the floor thinking about how they survived...failing to notice Raph had been standing at the door ever since the flashback started.

Raphs POV:

I stated in shock as Leo mumbled in Spanish...It still am amazed at how fluently he can speak it tho...anyways all I know is I follow him he collapsed and was staring blankly at his katanas for a whole 3 minutes. I've never been more confused in my life...that's becoming more and more common than usual...I DON'T LIKE IT.

"Their back......their here," mumbled Leo in English this time. His voice was weak and it concerned me, who was their...well they the grammar police will come after me if I don't fix that...anyway who was this THEY he spoke of?

The scientists? The Purple Dragons? The Diablos? Whoever it is I'm gonna enjoy pounding their faces in.

Leo's POV:

My blood ran cold...well colder since I'm cold blooded, at the thought of them being back I killed least I think I did. They should have died in that explosion...I should have too, if I did they wouldn't have ever took Miguel and they wouldn't be here now. What am I saying...or thinking I'm not so sure at this point...of course they would be here they would be searching for my family...they would still take prisoners.

I slam my fist into the floor not caring about the blood now flowing from a new I have much bigger things to worry about than a bloody hand. This fight just went from dangerous to...deadly.

Raphs POV:

I flinched when Leo hit the ground making blood gush...he was still staring at his katanas I'm gonna say that's a bad thing...but what could be so bad? I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!! I hear the others leave the lab, they each saw me with questioning eyes I motioned for them to be quiet and watch...which they did.

When all of us were watching Leo bolted to his feet and started pacing clutching his head...his teeth were bared, eyes closed tightly as if he was fighting something...or someone. His hand was still bleeding but less now...he still didn't care and continued to pace.

Leo's POV:

I paced...and paced...and paced, mentally fighting my emotions I can't break with them here then my brothers would be in trouble, and they would have won. NO! I CANT LOSE! My mind was clouded with various things, some were from the past...some were what could happen and others were just to horrible to describe.

Their voices filled my head "Your have lost freak!" NO I CANT LOSE! "There is nothing you can do to stop us." I CANT LOSE! "Fighting will get you no've lost!" CANT LOSE! "We've won....your dead." IM STRONG! "Your weak" I'VE WON! "You've lost" THEY'VE LOST! "We've won"

I growl a deep menacing growl it even scared me, I quickly open my eyes...I was staring at the wall. My hands were still pressed firmly against either side of my head...the bleeding stopped a while ago. My head did everything...they are here and I've lost...I'm...Broken.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I sunk to my knees letting the tears fall...I don't care if I seem like a baby...I'm weak I couldn't even explode people correctly..IM A FAILURE!!!

My tears were streaming now as I stared at my hands one covered in dry blood the other perfectly my one point I was the strong leader Leonardo...but now I'm the broken failure Number 20.

I'm the prisoner they captured...the prisoner they beat for information...the prisoner that started all of this. As my senses cleared up I could tell the guys were watching me from the door...and I didn't care now they know their Brave Fearless only a Broken Empty PRISONER!!!

I stood up grabbed my katanas and walked out of the dojo...right past my brothers and friends...heading straight for the lair entrance. I knew they would follow me but I didn't care they could if they wanted...all they would see is me finally end this battle once and for all...and the broken marionette I am will beat the Masters.

Donnie's POV:

Ok I'm confused...first Leo is pacing...then falls to his knees letting his tears he's heading top side and doesn't seem to care that me, Mikey, Raph, April, and Casey are following. WHAT THE SHELL IS GOING ON WITH MY BROTHER?!

Mikey's POV:


Aprils POV:

I can tell the guys are all confused by Leo's emotions so am I but I understand...he is under a lot of stress...with going back to Central America...becoming Sensei...and now the whole dart thing...I understand, but one thing has got me stumped....what else has got him so stressed?

Casey's POV:

Tacos sound really good right now...with extra...well extra EVERYTHING, but that's not the point right now Leo is acting weird and I know everyone else agrees with me because they each share the same confused face I am sporting right now. First we see what's up with Leo Second I get those tacos.

Raphs POV:

I am the only one that saw the whole thing...I'm the only one who has some what of an idea of what's wrong with Leo...but storming out of the lair is sort of my thing. He knows we are following and doesn't care...he is more concerned about some MYSTERIOUS THING MORE THAN US FOLLOWING HIM. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU LEO?!

Leo's POV:

The guys are following silently behind me as I walk across the rooftops I turn to them which startled them. "Stay here and do not move...*turns back around* I cant lose any one else." With that I continued to walk knowing they were brothers and friends stayed where I told them to...out of sight and at a safe distance.

As if on cue a group of men surrounded me each wearing white lab coats, and evil smirks. The one standing across from me spoke "Greetings Number 20...I see you survived the frog nice," his smirk fell as did the others "Where is your family?" His voice was harsh but it had no effect I'm use to it, "Their not what to you did you survive?"

They smirked once again...the one across from me stepped forward "All will be revealed soon...Number 20.." With that they launched at me I quickly reacted drawing my katanas and blocking their strikes. There were 16 of them...I took out 10 leaving the 6 that caused all my pain...the 6 that tortured me that day I escaped. I spoke "Let the battle begin."

Another cliffhanger MWHAHAHAHAHA I'm evil...I will try to update quickly but school and ninjutsu will be obstacles BUT I WILL FIND A WAY

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