Chapter 7

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Raphael's POV:

Ok so we followed Leo to a rooftop...he told us to stay he teams stay safe...of course I didn't want to but what I've been learning lately is that you never want to piss Leo off. I saw what he did to those scientists he's lethal, plus when he is being all serious and storms out of the don't...I repeat YOU DON'T WANT TO PISS HIM OFF!

Me, the guys, and April are all on our toes...we can see Leo but they can't see us...he swiftly took out 10 scientists without a sweat. Now he has 6 left but he seems more tense around them...Leo has his shell to use but I can make out what looks like a number on his right shoulder. I didn't know he had a tattoo...maybe he got it in Central America...but why would he get a number?

Leo's POV:

My teeth are bared as I glare at the 6 men across from me, I sheath my katanas confusing them..."Like old weapons." They nod and drop their whips, knives, and all the above...each of those weapons were stained with my blood. I take my katana sheaths and toss them to the side of the roof...i knew my brothers/ friends could see the brand that was burned into my shoulder because I heard their faint gasps.

Apparently the scientists heard them too and looked right over to where they were hiding...I mumble some choice words in Spanish...and step in front of the men blocking their view of my family's hiding place. My voice was like acid burning through the tense air "This fight is between me and one else."

One of the scientists whispered to the one in the middle "His blood was the one to react well with d-c2578...we only need him." They all nodded...I remember seeing a cell labeled d-c2578 but it was empty wasn't it?

Raphael's POV:

LEO IS INSANE...he just threw away his weapons but the scientists did me and the guys could see his 'tattoo' clearly, but it wasn't a tattoo it was a brand. My big brother was branded by these people...why didn't I see it sooner? Before I could ponder on that thought anymore the scientists saw us...Leo jumped in front of our hiding place and said "This fight is between me and one else."

Mikey's POV:

I want to help Leo but I'm afraid if I do I will cause him to lose but I'm also afraid of i don't help we will lose him anyway. I don't want to lose him again....

Donnie's POV:

I can tell Mikey is confused whether to help or not...Raph is just well Raph wanting to fight but knows he can't...April and Casey this is their first time seeing these scientists and frankly their eyes are still glued to the brand on Leo's shoulder.

Leo's POV:

I know my brothers are debating whether to help or not but I can't let them...this is my fight and mine alone. Before I could think of anything else the scientists launched at would think they would learn...Never Launch At A Ninja.

I reacted quickly launching myself at them taking out two of the weaker ones then landing in a crouch. Four scientists remained these were the smarter ones of the 6 they called all the shots...but I'm the top turtle..their first prisoner to escape alive with all the others.

The scientists smirked at me and headed for my brothers/friends hiding eyes widened so I launched at them. Tackling them all to the ground I bolt to my feet and look to my family...they knew I wanted them to run but I knew they didn't want to leave. "Go I'll be right behind you...I promise"

Raphael's POV:


Donnie's POV:

I can't believe Leo wants us to run I understand this is an enemy we have never fought before but that's never stopped us...why all of a sudden does that matter.

Mikey's POV:

L-Leo wants us to leave him...tears welled us in my eyes threatening to fall...why does he want to fight alone?

Leo's POV:

I knew they didn't want to leave and the tears I. Mikey's eyes told me just that..."Look I know you don't want to leave but please just go...I'll be right behind you." They finally nod and run just as the scientists stood up groaning...they glared at me and I smirked. "Now where were we?"

I launch taking down 2 more...just like the day I escaped it was just me and these two. The first one spoke "Just like old times huh freak?" I bare my teeth and let out a deep growl, letting out a battle cry I launch at the two men.

One pulled out a gun the other pulled out a whip...two bullets were fired hitting me in my left shoulder...the whip struck my now injured shoulder. I grit my teeth in pain not wanting to cry out giving the satisfaction to these guys...the whip came down to strike again but I moved out of the way.

I clutched my shoulder as my blood flowed from the wound...I kicked the two men and ran trying to get as far away as I could. I finally collapsed in a alley mere feet away from a manhole...blood gushed from the two bullet wounds and the straight line cutting through them.

Before I could lift the man hole I felt a sharp pain in my neck...reaching my right hand up to it I felt a dart..."Not again," I groaned. Then I blacked out...the last thing I heard was the laughter of the 6 scientists. I lost....and they won.

You guys probably hate me since it is another cliffhanger...but I was stuck halfway through so I ended it kinda chapter will be at the lair with the others and some with Leo

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