Chapter 5

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Raph and Mikey were hugging Donnie as Leo lay there dead....but then the best thing happened the drawn out beeping faded into separate beeps slow and weak but steadily growing louder and faster until it hit the normal rate.

Leo gasped and shot upward breathing quickly taking in as much air as his lungs could hold, Donnie was confused same with everyone else then it clicked he smiled and Leo returned it between gasps. Raph asked "Donnie what happened," yes he was happy his brother was alive but how?

Donnie began to check Leo's vitals and said "Before he well 'died' I gave him the antidote for the theory is that since I gave it to him before he 'died' the antidote began to work just took a little longer...long story short he is safe from the toxin...its destroyed."

Mikey launched himself forward and squeezed Leo in a hug making him wince in pain...Mikey immediately let go and apologized Leo raised his hand as if to stop him and said "I-It's alri-ght Mikey j-just a little so-re is all."

April was happy Leo was alright but sad he had to go through it who would have done this the foot?....who? The teen red head was snapped from her thoughts by Splinter moving to Leo's side, his elder gaze never leaving his eldest sons pained yet relieved eyes.

He spoke "My son who did this?" Leonardo began to think and said "I was out and talked to April....but on the way home something or someone was following me so I took a different route losing them but not before they shot me with a tranquilizer dart."

Raphael stepped toward his eldest brother and said "Let me get this straight you sneak followed get shot and you don't see who did it!?" Leo stepped closer to his hotheaded brother and said "I was not focused on who was following me all I was worried about was getting home to you three no matter what...."

Everyone grew silent after those words left Leo's mouth, he didn't care what happened to him he just wanted to get to his brothers to make sure they were safe. Raphael cooled down due to the look in Leo's eyes, they were serious and almost dull at the same time.

Again the scene of Leo laying under the tree hurt flashed before his eyes, this time he shuddered at the sight...the scene disappeared due to someone putting their hand on his shoulder.

When Raph regained his sight the someone who placed their hand on his shoulder was Leo his eyes were full of concern, dullness, and the greatest was strength. Leonardo the eldest turtle  had gone through so much for his family's safety...he would even give his life for them.

Leo spoke "Raph I'm fine and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon," he began to walk to tbe lab door "Remember that," then he was gone leaving the two humans, three turtles and a elder rat in his tracks. Mikey clapped his hands together and said "Soooooooo How's everyone's day going?"

Everyone looked to the orange clad turtle "What I was trying to lighten the mood...not my fault today has turned coo coo." Raph and Donnie rolled their eyes while April and Casey shook their heads smiling...Master Splinter just smiled at his son's optimism.

The elder rat turned to everyone in the lab and spoke his voice it's normal calm smooth tone "I must take my me if anything happens." His sons nodded and he went to the portal he came through...with one last look at his three youngest sons he went through.

Meanwhile with Leo (his POV):

I was so stupid...I should have never gotten shot by that stupid dart then none of this would have happened. I should have died when I killed the scientists...their all better off with out me I'm nothing but a burden. I'm currently in the dojo leaning against the wall staring at my abandoned katanas...I was pathetic couldn't even stand, and they call me a leader...a sensei I'm nothing but a failure.

Images from my capture flash before my eyes giving me a headache, I clutch my breathing quickens, screwing my eyes closed.

Flashback (still Leo's POV):

Pain that's all I could feel...sitting in my dark cell shackles on my wrists and ankles, the experiments were the the burns and beatings were the worst. I can't remember what day it is due to the drugs but i really don't care I just want out of here soon.

They branded me like they do everyone they take in with a number...mines 20, I'm their 20th lab rat...but when I get out of here I'm getting out everyone. Suddenly my cell door opened I looked up glaring at the four scientists standing their.

The first one spoke "Hello Number 20...or should I say Ghost of the Jungle, ready for some fun?" I deepened my glare pulling at the chains, they only walked towards me undoing my shackles. I could try to fight back but I couldn't get far being this far from the I decided to wait.

They guided me to the one place I dread the most...the torture room, this room was designed specifically for me...and my blood stained the floor. The beating was more brutal this time around...I had stab wounds...burns...and multiple whip marks.

Blood was gushing out of my wounds...when they went to unstrap me I attacked, despite the pain I fought...taking out the 6 scientists in the room. I bolted out of the room heading to free the others. My warm blood ran down my cold skin sending chills down my spine, when I reached the cells I was meet with a horrific sight.

There in the middle of the hall was the old blind lady that was number 19, she was here before me and she was already gone. She helped me a while ago when I first arrived I'm gonna return the favor.

I picked her up cradling her small figure in my strong arms unlocking the other cells, most of the others were in pretty good shape...well except me and this elder lady. When I opened the last cell a young boy stepped out he looked around 10 (this is Alan)

These people obviously didn't know what I was so I spoke taking them by surprise "Tenemos que salir de aquí puedo mantenerlos a raya el tiempo suficiente para que todos ustedes escapar
(We must get out of here I can hold them off long enough for you all to escape)"

A middle aged woman maybe late 30s early 40s walked up to me and said (ok so I'm just gonna put it in English bc putting the translation is difficult) "I can take her *motions to lady in my arms* She is my mother." Nodding I handed her the lady...once all of them were in the clear I told them to run which they did, I ran around the building until I found some flammable chemicals....I lit the fire and ran.

End Flashback

Leo fell to his knees gasping for breath as his vision faded from the horrific images to the dojo floor, he felt something wet drip from his was tears. Wiping the liquid from his eyes he sat on his knees looking at his abandoned katanas mere feet from thought rolled through his head.

"Their back......their here"

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