Chapter 10

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With the guys (Raph's POV):

We finally landed and unloaded the helicopter...apparently Donnie remembered where Leo's 'home' was so that's where we put our stuff. After that we went to Tomas's house...they somehow knew we were here but I'm not sure how.

Tomas walked over to us blowing out cover and said "No need to hide...village know you...bad men show Leo," he said kinda calm kinda scared. Donnie kneeled down to Tomas's level and asked "What do you mean mad men show Leo?" Riccardo walked over to is and said "Come I'll explain inside," we followed him each wanting to know what happened to Leo.


The turtles and humans entered the small home gathering around as Riccardo explained, "The scientists have done terrible things to Leonardo...they brought him to the middle of the village yesterday and whipped him publicly...they told the village that he was the Ghost...forgive me for not doing anything he wished we didn't."

Raph's blood boiled at the thought of those scientists whipping Leo...Mikey attempting to calm him down as Donnie did the talking, "Where did the whipping take place in the village...maybe I could find some blood because I doubt Leo went down without a fight?"

Riccardo nodded and said "He did fight but they easily over powered him...but during the beating he didn't let out one cry of pain...your brother is a very strong fighter with a lot of honor. The turtle including Raph nod knowing that Leo would do anything with honor...even if it killed him.

All the while this was happening April and Casey were frozen in fear...scared to ask questions afraid of what the answer would be. The teens decided to stay at the house with Riccardo learning more on what happened yesterday, while the others check out the place it happened.

On that note Tomas and his brothers showed the turtles to where Leo was whipped, people started them but didn't run...they smiled...some even walked up to them saying they were sorry about what happened to Leo but of course Tomas had to translate since April wasn't there.

Once they place came into sight...they could tell Leo fought. Blood covered the ground surrounding a metal pole that Leo was probably tied to...but the most horrific thing about the scene was from the amount of blood, the whipping must have lasted for hours.

With Leo (his POV):

I was in my cell...big shocker there but they were nice enough to give me a bed...but before they did I was stabbed...but hey now I have a bed. Yesterday I was publicly the entire village that Tomas lives in knows that a mutant turtle was the one protecting them.

I just hope my brothers stay In New York and just leave me here...I'll find a way out and this time I will kill them with my own two hands just so I know they can't comeback. What has this place done to me...I'm suppose to fight with honor, killing is not fighting with honor...they would understand right.

That if I don't kill them the cycle would start all over again...I hope they understand.

Anyway I'm laying on my bed right now because that's all I can do with they wounds
I have...I can hear Sky clawing at her door which sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Vincent's beatings are getting more lethal...normally it's just whipping and small injures but no this time he had to stab me...that's dark even for him.

Speaking of Vincent his annoying voice suddenly decided to ring throughout my cell "Leonardo ... parece tus hermanos están aquí ... así que antes de que te doy vuelta he decidido poner fin a su sufrimiento ... tienes quince minutos ( seems your brothers are before I give you back I've decided to end your have fifteen minutes)"

Great an this day get any worse...wait did he say I have fifteen minutes...SEWER APPLES! I yank at my chains pulling hard enough to draw blood but I still pulled...finally breaking not the chain but the wall the chain was bolted to...IM THE HULK YEA!

Wincing in pain as I stood...this is like oh I don't know the 4000000000th time I've been hurt in like the past month...seriously this is not my week. Making it to the door which I had no clue on how to open...then a Raph idea popped in my head...yep the only solution.

Ramming my shoulder into the door until it opened.................GENIUS!

Man those drugs they gave me are strong like I'm not sure if there are suppose to be unicorns and narwhals singing Miley Cyrus's song Wreaking Ball...I'm just gonna say no.

Sky's cell came into sight again ramming my shoulder into it until it fell to the floor was just and her finally ditched our chains and shackles and rushed to the door.

For once...since yesterday I saw the sun...running through the familiar forest with sky beside me until we made it to the village...there my brothers stood waiting patiently smiling happily.

Right before I could make it to them I felt a burning pain tear through my chest...the loud bang from the gun behind me ringing in my ears as it released the bullet.

The bullet struck my heart and the world went black...the last thing I heard was sky and my brothers crying and screaming for me to wake up along with Vincent's distant laughing...until everything went silent.

I was killed by the one man I hate the most


Bolting upward in my bed breathing chains being pulled to their limit my stab wound was only a dream.

I'm fine my brothers are safe.


It was only a


Sorry this took so long I'm currently working on 5 books and a comic book for No Escape that I'm posting on my deviantart you can check me out if you want @ Bluejay202 but I hope u have a wonderful day/night and BAI MY CHIPMUNKS!

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