Chapter 11

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With the guys (Raph's POV):

People continued to stare at us as Donnie collected the blood samples, multiple kids came up to us and handed us different blue flowers, fabrics, paint, and much more. April explained that it's a tradition they had when a loved one was hurt, they would give the family materials that were the color of the loved one.

So in this case Leo's blue bandana...that color represented was the color of a leader...the colors of our older brother. The sound of distant cars met my ears...Tomas turned to us and said "Hide...bad men take you too."

Using our ninjutsu training we disappeared...Mikey and Donnie were in the same tree as me...full stealth mode.

The cars soon appeared and we instantly recognized the turtle chained in the back of one was Leo. He had different wounds that were wrapped but that's all none of them were addressed properly, The leader of the men...I think his name was out and ordered his men to get Leo.

Now that they had him out of the car I could see a huge stab wound on his stomach...his blood stained the once white fabric. They drug him over to the pole...while they were getting the chains ready Leo looked right at us.

His eyes widened as I reached for my sai...he shook his head and glared at us clearly saying I'll get out of this and if you try to help I will kick your @$$. Me, Mikey, and Donnie dropped our up on trying to help.

Leo's POV:

Great my brothers are here...I just glared at them daring them to help...but they were smart and decided not to. Vincent's goons were about the chain me to the pole...but I wasn't going down without a fight Vincent should know that by now.

One of the goons went for my left wrist with the shackle...with a smirk I pulled my wrist back and he chained his buddy to the pole...I grabbed the other chain and got another goon chained. Four remained and surrounded me...I jumped landing on top of the pole that stood 8 feet above the ground.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see my brothers smiling...Vincent growled and yelled "CONSEGUIR QUE LA TORTUGA (GET THAT TURTLE)" The goons ran to the pole trying to shake me off...but I'm a ninja for crying out loud, flipping off effortlessly landing with a roll I take off running.

In the distance I can hear the cars cranking...picking up the pace I hear the cars getting closer. Glancing up into the trees I see my brothers running with me...I was about to tell them to get back to the village when the cars jumped the hill behind me.

Cursing under my breath I skid to a stop taking a sharp turn...I launch myself at the closest car taking out the goons in it leaving the car immobile...breaking the key with it still in ignition I jump into a tree.

My brothers rush over to me...but I stop them half way," You have to get out of here...get back to the village...please, I promise I'll be right behind you." They nod knowing I could take care of myself and take off running to the village.

I drop back down into the car I took out...and smirk as I grab my katanas and a few guns...I know guns aren't really ninja weapons but at this point I don't care. I slit the throats of the men in the car...permanently taking them out.

With all my weapons sheathed making me look all the more dangerous...I make my way to the facility where Sky is...I promised her I would save her and that's what I'm gonna do.

Watch out Vincent I'm coming for mess with a ninja turtle you get the swords, On my way there I had to go through the village. I had guns strapped to my legs waist and my katanas on my back.

Donnie's POV:

We just got back to the village...April hugged me and asked where Leo was...before any of us could answer Leo walked out of the jungle. He had guns and his katanas along with a black cloak in his he walked people cheered not bothering the ask him what he was doing.

Me and the guys ran over to him and I asked "Leo...Leo what are you doing?!" He stopped and looked at us and the villagers...placing the dark cloak over his head he spoke in a deeper voice "Ending Vincent's torture once and for all."

With that he walked away I've never seen him so deadly...he was lethal...and he didn't care if he killed. Me and the guys hated to admit it but Leo...our sensei...our leader...our brother was a killer and he didn't care.

Without thinking we followed was hard to keep up because he was faster than all of his cloak camouflaged him extremely well. He came to a stop at the edge of the jungle the facility in front of him...casually he walked out of the jungle leaving us in the trees.

Mikey's POV:

It was like a level of Assassins Creed Syndicate...dozens of men came rushing out of the building...but Leo never stopped he only ripped off his cloak to reveal his weapons.

The men with close combat weapons charged leaving the ones with guns in the the men charged Leo only pulled out two guns one in each hand. He would fire one bullet taking out two goons...soon his guns ran out of bullets and all the close combat men were killed.

Quickly unsheathing his katana he launched at the men shooting at him...slicing their guns leaving them unarmed...he used his katanas to kill the men. The smell of blood met my nose making me gag...but Leo didn't seem affected by the horrible scent.

Once all the men were down Leo walked into the building...Raph stopped me and Donnie from going to help...he spoke in a soft tone "This is Leo's fight...we have to let him take out the men who caused him all that pain."

Reluctantly me and Donnie nodded but never left the trees...we were going to watch the building to make sure Leo made it out alive.

Sorry for taking forever again...hope u liked this chapter it had more action this time so yay.

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