Chapter 8

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At the lair:

Silence...that's all their was with the sound of subways in the distance and the constant drip of water on a steel pipe. Mikey sat on the couch staring blankly at the blank tv screen...Donnie sat in the kitchen his face in his hands. April and Casey sat together on the floor leaning against the wall...and Raph...he stayed next to the lair entrance waiting for Leo to return.

Raph's voice broke through the silence "We need to go look for him...its been two hours!" Donnie groaned and looked at his hot headed brother "Raph he told us to stay here...its his fight." This only made the red banded turtles anger grow...but before he could reply Mikey spoke "I-I agree with Raphie...Leo could be in trouble."

His voice wasn't it's natural cheerful was broken, April and Casey agreed to stay behind just in case they needed the medical bay set up. Donnie sighed...he soon stood and sheathed his bo staff, "Let's go find our brother..."

With that they all ran out heading for the surface...lifting up the heavy manhole cover they were met with a horrific sight. There laying abandoned mere feet from the manhole were Leo's katanas and puddles of blood. Donnie took a sample of the crimson liquid so he can analyze it back at the lair.

The turtles began to search for anymore clues...minutes pasted before Mikey found a trank was the same dart that hit Leo earlier that day. Except this dart had words carved into it in Spanish...since none of them knew Spanish they had to wait for April to translate it.

With Leo (his POV):

Pain...not light pain...but tear forming pain shot through my body as I regained consciousness. I tried to bring my hand to my head but it was held back by a shackle and chain...matter of fact both my ankles and wrists had shackles.

My weapons were mask, I scanned my cell it looked just like the one back in Central America...but that's impossible I destroyed that place. Like you destroyed those you saved everyone? No...NO I CAN'T BE BACK HERE!!

I pulled at my chains hard enough to draw blood but I didn't care...I need out of here and NOW! A very familiar voice rang throughout the intercom...a voice I learned to hate, Vincent! (He is the leader of the Diablos) "Bienvenido Leonardo ... usted debe saber la espalda en Centroamérica ... pero la lucha contra esas cadenas no recibirá libres (Welcome must know your back in Central America...but fighting those chains won't get you free)"

My anger grew and I shouted..."$#&$ usted y sus matones estúpidos ... yo vamos a salir otra vez ... SI SU LO ÚLTIMO QUE HAGO (you and your stupid goons...I'll get out again...IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO)"

use your imagination on the word he said

Vincent just laughed at my anger..."buena suerte Leonardo ... o debería decir número veinte (good luck Leonardo...or should I say number twenty)" I growled and the intercom shut off...I'm stuck here like last brothers will understand right. Like Raph said they were better off without it might be permanent.

What am I saying I'll get out of here and this time killing them with my own two hands...I just hope they leave my family alone...along with Tomas and his...they are my family too.

Yanking at my chains in frustration I let out a loud scream...not pain filled...not fearful was a battle cry. Letting them know I will not go down without a fight...I will stand until I completely lose to ability. I'M GONNA FIGHT,


Back in New York @ the lair:

The blood test came back was Leo' was their brothers. April was reading the dart the guys gave the time she finished she had tears in her eyes. Casey wrapped her in a tight hug as she between sobs she was able to say "T-they took h-him....h-he's in Cen-Central  America!"

This took all of them by surprise...Leo was back in the same mess he was in two years ago...he was back to being a lab rat. (no offense Master Splinter) Raphael's blood boiled, Donatello's breathing picked up, Michelangelo's heart ached....April and Casey both feared for Leo.

Raph cleared his throat after he regained control over his anger..."Listen I know this is hard...yes this is the third time Leo has gone there...but we will get him back...get packed," he turned to the rooms staring at Leo's door, "We leave for Central America in two days...lets go get our brother back!"

Each turtle and human went separate ways each getting different types of supplies...each getting ready to get back their friend...their sensei...their brother.

Sorry this took so long I was stuck but it's finally out hope you like it...I know another cliffhanger but don't worry next chapter will go into more detail...I know this is short but it's worth it peace out MAI TURTLES!

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