Chapter 12

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Leo's POV:

I know my brothers want to help...but I can't let them...I'm the one they want, as I walk in thousands of goons rush at me...various weapons held out. Bats, guns, machetes...and much more but I'm a NINJA...I pity those who think they will win.

Ok pity cession over...I launch myself at the more heavily armed men which are machetes and guns...bats are easy to dodge.

Bullets fly past me creating a whistling sound, machetes strike for my important organs with a hissing tone...and bats well they don't do anything...bats are one of the worst weapons to have against a ninja.

Sky's POV:

I can hear the constant clang of metal on metal and the boom of guns releasing bullets, I recognize the battle was Leo...he came back for me. The grunting of the battle grew closer to my cell until finally it was right out side.

A sudden bang at my door made me door swung open to reveal Leo standing their with all the stupid goons laying unconscious and bleeding at his feet. At least I found out what hit my was the head of one of the men.

Leo had a smug grin on his face making me smile...he walked in quickly ridding me of my chains, his voice was stern "We have to get out of brothers are waiting outside I need you to go with them...they will treat your wounds and take you far from this place."

"And you," my tone dripping with concern. He turned to look at the door...staring at the unconscious men, realization hit me like a truck...he was gonna stay and make sure he ended their rain of terror. Suddenly my emotions exploded "You can't stay here...we need a plan Leo!"

He turned his gaze back to me...with a heavy sigh he spoke "Sky I have a go with my brothers to safety and I stay here and take care of Vincent and his goons...permanently." I knew there was no way I was going to change his mind...before he could react I pulled him into a tight hug, at first he was tense but soon relaxed returning the gesture.

Leo's POV:

The echoes of voices met my ears...I had to get her out of here and fast, we both were badly injured but I still had fight left in me. Scooping her off her feet holding Sky close to my chest...I ran down the hall making my way to where I came in.

Finally outside the sun shining brighter than ever I could see my brothers perched in the trees...I motioned for them to come to me which they listened. Raph was the first to reach me..."Leo...who's she?" I rolled my eyes of course he had to know...soon Donnie and Mikey were next to me as well with questioning eyes.

Gently placing Sky on her feet I answered "Her name is Sky...she's a friend I need you three to get here back to Tomas's...Donnie treat her wounds when you get there I have something to take care of here." I could tell my brothers were not wanting to leave but they reluctantly agreed...Sky placed a hand on my shoulder her crystal eyes scanning my face.

Her voice was like silk yet stern "Leo promise me that you'll make it out of there alive...promise!" I couldn't help but smile..."I promise Sky...I'll be back before you know it."

Again before I could react she was squeezing me in another hug...which I gladly returned, I had to admit even though I'm in severe pain I like having her care this much...she's a good friend I don't know what I would do without her.

My thoughts were interrupted by Sky whispering in my ear speaking in Spanish so my brothers couldn't understand "Te amo Leo (I love you Leo)" My heart literally skipped a beat before I could respond "Yo también te quiero Cielo (I love you too Sky)"

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