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Riley's POV

"He took the three billion dollars that he gave me right out my account." I complained through the thick glass the women's prison provided for visitors. "I don't know how he did it or why he did it because he has his own money! He is just spiteful and I still have yet to see him."

Laura rubbed her wrinkled temples in attempt to ease her headache. "That's my baby boy, but even I know he's wrong. Escaping jail?!"

"He went all No Good Deeds and now he's on the run. I don't where he is or who he's with. All I know is he somehow got my money. I've been hiding out at my boyfriend's house just waiting for him to pop up or something. I'm stressing... I lost my job...."

"I'm in here praying for you and my grand babies. If there's one thing I learned about my son it's that he's in love with you. Crazily in love with you. And I know he'll move mountains to get to you, so I'm praying for your safety."

I sniffed, rubbing under my eyes to keep the tears barricaded in my ducts. Laura gave me a somber smile before changing the subject. "Enough about my big headed son, how are you and that new man of yours?"

"We are fine. He's been a big help and the boys love him. I'm scared about the meeting between him and Cassius, you know?"

"Yup. I remember when I first broke up with Josiah and found myself trying to move on. But Siah always found me and he always made it clear that I was his." Laura relayed, thinking back. "It's scary. I know. But he's out now Riley and he's real good at hiding."

Duh. Look at Chandler. They are the Hide-N-Seek champions.

"I don't know who to trust Mama! I ignore Ryan's texts, Chandler's texts, even my sister's because I know she's working with them now. All I have is Ahlex, Darrell, and Heather." I vented through the metal phone watching her cracked look through the glass. "I'm thinking about just leaving town. I can't do this. I can't sit and wait for him to pop up and hurt me or my kids! I can't and I won't!"

The intercom sounded to let everyone in the foyer know that there was ten minutes left of visitation time. I heard all the families and friends start to wrap up their conversations.

"You do what you have to do baby." She cried, tears were falling down her face and she was going to make me cry. "I know Josiah probably seemed like he didn't have mental problems but he did! He was as obsessed with Cassius as Cassius is as obsessed with Asia."

"What do you mean?" I mumbled. I remembered the whole this world is fit for only one King speech and how Cassius's grandfather killed himself so Cass could be born.

"Let me make this quick." She sniffled and adjusted herself so that she was nose up to the two-way glass window. "Josiah was obsessed with him. When Cassius was a baby Siah was right there, nobody could hold him or touch him or feed him. As my boy was growing up and those weird habits he has started to show and progress Josiah started to beat him because he didn't want Cass to be like his grandfather. Cassius tried so hard to be like Chandler, it hurt me to see! Then Cassius just stopped trying to please Josiah. He started to gang bang and that's when the obsession took a rather weird turn."

Now I was nose up to the window. "How?" I questioned, looking up at the five minutes left on the clock.

"Josiah had a shrine of Cassius in our bedroom closet. I seen it once accidentally and then he started putting padlocks on the closet door so I couldn't get in! He would pick arguments with our son or call him complaining just to hear his voice and I thought it was creepy. Cassius would show hatred towards Josiah and I didn't know why until...."

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