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Rochelle's POV

I stayed completly silent as the man who I had just rode five minutes ago dug into his wallet. He snatched out five 100 dollar bills and slid them on the bed towards me. "I hope that's enough sweetheart." He said. He always paid me more than enough. That's why I kept him as my client, if any of the other girls knew I was getting a little extra under the table, they would be on him like white on rice.

Standing up, I reached for the g-string I had arrived in and pulled it on, looking around the luxurious master bedroom once again. Vincent Brigham was a thirty-two year old with an empire built off legal money. He had seven children and a wife yet he had a fetish for young black girls and would pay hundreds' to be in a pretty one's company.

From what I was told, Vincent and King used to do work together all of the time before King moved on to bigger alliances. That's where most of King's legal money came from, working with Vincent, the businesses he used to own and the boxing.

I wasn't complaining as I slipped the money into the cociane white clutch that matched the dress I had been given to wear. My hair had been pinned up in a bun, because I had acquainted another client Elroy Johnson to a business venue, but Vincent didn't seem to care when he pulled it apart and let my hair flow to my shoulders previously during our session. "Thank you for everything darling." He kissed the back of my hand and I had to force the butterflies that threatened to flutter in my stomach to chill. He doesn't want you girl, he has a whole family, and you have yours.

Twenty minutes later, Ryan had pulled up in front of Mr. Brigham's estate and I quickly trotted to the car and gotten in. Like always the ride was silent and we refused to glance at the other even though I was itching to touch him.

"Here." I mumbled lightly when he pulled up at the hotel and handed him three of the hundreds.

He fingered through the bills slowly then looked up at me, still not hitting the locks for me to exit. We both held eye contact for a while and it was starting to get overwhelming. When the light tears started to produce in my eyes I quickly looked away. I couldn't cry over this son of a bitch anymore. He wasn't worth them.

"I'm going to go." I hit the button for it to unlock yet when I reached for the door handle, he locked them again. Cutting my eyes at him I did it again only for him to repeat the gesture. It became a game to him and I stopped, fed up. "Can I leave nigga?!"

"You don't want to see my son?" He asked, a hint of a smirk on his lips.

My mouth dropped as I stared at him. I hadn't seen Christopher since he made me drop him off at my mother's and before that day I hadn't seen him in two weeks. From being used to seeing him almost every day to this, I was going through it. I didn't even feel like a mother any more.

"Don't do that Ryan! Don't!"

"Do what?" He snickered to himself.

"Don't bring him up! You know how I get when you bring him up!"

"Ro... I'm just sayin. I can take you to see Chris before he moves to my moms."

"Moves?" I looked at him confused, wanting him to explain.

He nodded, smiling gently. "Yeah he's moving in with my mom. I think it's best for him right now since I'm so busy."

"Best for him? I'm what's best for him! I'm his mother!"

Waving his hand connivingly, he kept his smirk on his face and I had to hold in my eye rolling. "Rot in hell." I spat when he finally hit the locks for me to exit. I swung open his door wishing it  would've ripped from the hinges.

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