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ship name in effect. the hottest couple of 2015. watch out Bey and Jay, they coming for you. justttt kidding as hell.

I know how crazy the last chapter was and I don't want to spill too much but I'm getting so many comments and messages asking me this so I'm going to address it here: NO I REPEAT NO CASSIUS DID NOT RAPE HIS DAUGHTER. and having sex with her would still be RAPE even if fast ass Asia likes it, it's rape af. there was no rape. no penetration with a male private part. noneofthat.

the whole chapter was pretty much me fucking with y'all heads lmaoo and y'all are coming up with some crazy allegations. so everyone tell me what you guys think happened

I already have a set plan in my head but I might change it to a major plot twist based on the comments on this loool

new chapter next weekend & #casia shirts coming soon :)

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