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Riley's long ponytail flipped past both of her shoulders as she stormed into the elementary school. She angrily wrote her name and her son's on the sign out sheet and stood to the side waiting. The principal then came out with Caius slugging next to him.

Straightening up she watched them both spot her and head over. "Hello Mrs. Hathaway, thank you for being able to meet up with us today." Riley nodded, not speaking with her mouth but with her eyes as she glared at Caius. "We are informing you that your child has had way too many offenses in a span of a month. That is far too many that we allow here at our prestigious elementary so we are suspending him for the rest of this week and the corresponding week. His work can received at the front desk and if any single problem occurs again, he will expuled from our school."

"Okay thank you." Riley gave him a tight smile at his robotic speech and went to grab the work. She then waved goodbye and left the school, the fake smile quickly dropping as Caius followed close behind her.

She got in Cassius's R8, started it and started to take off right when Caius opened the door making him trip and the door swing. Laughing loudly, she stopped and allowed him to catch up and get in. He rolled his eyes at her and put on his seatbelt staying quiet.

He hadn't really talked to Riley since the day Cassius had came and hit her in front of the kids and when he did it was mostly disrespectful. So Riley stopped feeding him breakfast and dinner, leaving him to fend on his school's lunch. And when the weekends rolled around, she dropped him off at her mother's house and didn't come back until Sunday night.

When Riley pulled into her reserved parking spot outside her building she stopped the car and turned to him. "Go upstairs to the house and pack your clothes into a suitcase, pull that shit down the elevator and hurry the fuck up."

"Why? I'm going to Grandma's house?"

"Don't talk to me. Just do the shit! Go pack all of your clothes. Anything your dumb ass can't take down the elevator at once is being sold. Don't take shit else. Not a iPod, iPad, laptop, video game, PSP, toothbrush, nothing! Only clothes. Only shoes you're keeping is the Crocs and one pair of sneakers, no fucking name brands. You have thirty minutes. Hurry up." She snapped her fingers at him repeatedly until he jumped out the car annoyed, slamming the door behind him and making the windows shake.

"Oh hell no. He done lost his mind." Riley fumbled with her seat belt and quickly got out the car trying not to slip on a rain puddle in her pumps. She was also mad that she wasted a really good outfit for a job interview  to get her son. "Don't slam my shit little boy! I'll knock the illnesses out your ass. You got the wrong fucking one."

Caius swung open the mirror front door to the building and stuck up his middle finger at his mother, stalking inside afterwards. Riley gasped and power walked inside just in time to catch him entering an empty elevator.

Grabbing his arm she pulled him out the elevator and into her, glaring down at his face. "You know what. Don't even get any clothes. You don't need shit but that school work and the clothes on your back. Let's go." She dragged him out the condominiums and back to the car.

Riley took out her phone and dialed Cassius, placing it to her ear whilst checking her lipstick in the head mirror. "Yea?" She heard him answer. "Baby— I mean Cass....ius.. Yeah, Cassius. What are you doing right now?" She panicked feeling her heart triple it's speed at her little slip of the tongue.

"I'm at home. Why?"

"I need you to take someone off my hands for the next week for me."

Cassius was silent for a second before she heard him answer. "What? You want me to like kidnap somebody, kill em?"

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