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Cassius laid against the couch watching his newfound favorite rapper's music video on the television. His mother had left earlier to run some errands and his brother was out doing whatever with his godbrother so that left Cass alone for the afternoon.

He didn't mind being alone at home, he actually enjoyed it better without the noise and sounds of his family members. Cassius had downed yet another can of pop and had skipped out on the medication his mother left for him to take. He was about to take a walk down the street to the house where Kathy, a white girl a few years older than him with a throat as deep as the Red Sea, lived when he heard the front door open and close indicating somebody was home. So much for alone time.

Straining his neck to see around the corner at the surprise guest, he seen his father walk into the room still clad in his work clothes. "Hey son." Josiah mumbled ripping off his thick oil covered jacket and dirty Timberland boots, sitting beside his son. "What you been doing? We need to talk."

"About what?" Cassius asked and turned down the television's volume out of respect.

"I just stopped by Jeffrey's house down the street and he was telling me some things about you."

Cassius sucked his bottom lip into his mouth fearing that Jeff knew about his sexcapades with his daughter. Cassius's parents didn't know that both of their eleven year old sons had already lost their virginities. If they did know, they'd be on punishment for years.

"Jeffrey told me you took a liking to his daughter, is that right?" Josiah watched his son's every move.

He shrugged trying to downplay his actual feelings. "She's cute... we hang out some times."

"Hang out....." Josiah squinted his eyes trying to find out the underlying meaning behind hanging out. "You having sex with this girl?" He blurted out bluntly, getting straight to the point.

"No!" Cassius said quickly and backed away from his father. "No... I don't even like her like that!"

"Jeff told me he seen your sneaky ass climbing out the window last night and your dumb ass forgot to pick up the condom wrapper. Kathy's being sent off to her grandmother in Ohio tomorrow afternoon."

Cassius cursed in his head at the fact that they had been so careless. Kathy was going to be all the way in another state leaving him with no company and a hard dick.

"Now see I was going to send your ass off to Uncle Leon's but I called your mom and she doesn't like the way his wife behaves around you. And quite frankly I don't either." His father continued. Yeah Cassius knew his uncle's wife had a crush on him since he caught her peeking in the bathroom once after he got out the shower. He didn't mind though, he had a soft spot for the cougars.

Cassius was just awaiting his punishment, he was sure he could handle it. A beating was nothing, he'd had plenty of those, it was the whole keeping his hands to himself thing that was the problem. No TV or radio, he could sneak around by going over to Darius's house with his brother. "I want you to go to your room and wait for me." Josiah ordered standing up and straightening his pants and shirt.

Quickly Cassius left the room and went to his, preparing himself for whatever whooping or extreme lecturing he was about to endure. He sat on his bed and scooted all the way until his back hit the wall. The quiet voices playing on repeat in his head was familiar to him now so he could easily block them out at the time to focus on his father.

In the main hallway's bathroom, Josiah stared at his reflection through the mirror. His anger had rose and he couldn't control it causing his limbs to shake and his head to pound. He had just been told that his eleven year old son was having sex with a fifteen year old girl. But the fact that his son was actually having sex at a young age wasn't why he was angry. It was because of the simple fact his son was having sex. He didn't want to think of Cassius looking at another person in a sexual way or even think about it!

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