Chapter 7 - I Love The Fact That Tyler Is Happy

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I Hate My Fake Relationship : Chapter 7 - I Love The Fact That Tyler Is Happy

Aubrey's POV (Point Of View)

HE PARKS IN THE 'POPULAR CAR AREA'. Nobody except the jocks and cheerleaders can park there.

Tyler gets out the car first and all the girls come rushing but he ignores them and walks over to the door by my side. He opens the door for me.

I smile at him. It's a fake smile though - he's acting like a gentlemen in front of other people.

When I step out, all of the other girls gasp and glare at me. Every boy turns to face us in shock as Tyler wraps an arm around my waist and leads me to where his friends are.

Everyone is silent. They obviously wanna know how Tyler is going to introduce me to his friends.

Once we reach the popular crew, Tyler stops and smiles at me. I slightly nod at him.

Before I tell you what Tyler said, I think it's best you know who's in the popular crew.

• Tyler Johnson - As you already know, he's the bad boy in our school and is my "boyfriend". He rules this place and is the most populist in the school.

• Sapphire McKenzie - Queen Bitch of the school. Head Cheerleader and the replica of Regina George. People outside the popular crew HATE her.

• Quinn Henson - Prankster of the school. The joker. The funny guy. The one who always manages to make people laugh in class. But honestly, I didn't know who he was until Tyler told me yesterday.

In fact, I didn't know nearly anybody's name from the popular crew until Tyler told me them yesterday.

• Eric Williams - Rich guy of the school. The one that came in a limo everyday and got out of serious trouble by giving money to the school. The one who bribed all the teachers.

• Lena Malesson - Gossip girl of the school. She's always spreading rumours and she is one of Sapphire's followers.

• May Blossom - The name is enough. I feel like dying just talking about her. Like, seriously? May Blossom?

• Allison "Allie" James - The nice girl of the school. Popular but kind. She was the person everybody loved because she was equal to everyone.

• Aiden Merron - Also known as my brother. The reserved jock who never talked to anybody except me and his best friend, Cole.

• Cole Thompson - My secret crush. He mainly kept to Aiden but he also did sports. He's the QB of our Football Team.

I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't the QB be Tyler? Yeah, well, the answer is No.

Okay, now we can continue.

"Who's this?" Sapphire sneers at me.

"She's the girl that I told you about. The one who was snogging Tyler," Lena answers for her.

"And she's also my girlfriend," Tyler says.

Everyone gasps. And when I say everyone, I mean every student in this high school. Tyler's never had more girl in bed more than once, let alone have a girlfriend.

The popular crew stare at me in shock. Except Quinn (because he already knew) and Eric - he was the one who thought of the idea.

I look at Allie. She's looking at Tyler excitedly and worriedly.

Aiden breaks the silence.

"So this is the famous Tyler Johnson you were talking about to me?" Aiden asks.

Tyler raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. I glare at both of them.

"Yeah," I respond "He is." Then I smile at Tyler again.

Do you wanna know how much I hate this? I hate this more than peanut butter which is practically impossible!

"Aubrey? You never told me about Tyler being your boyfriend," Cole says to me.

"That's because you never asked."

He nods.

Well ... This is awkward.

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Tyler thinks it went great. I think it went bad - Sapphire was glaring at me the whole time. Aiden was raising his eyebrows at me everytime I looked at him. Eric was smirking at me because he knew everything.

But apparently, Allie was talking to Tyler and she was getting quite jealous so he's happy.

He's never smiled this much before - I actually like seeing his smile. He even laughed! Laughed! I thought that was impossible.

But I like seeing him happy. It makes me happy for a reason that I don't know.


"Can you please explain to me why you didn't tell us about you being Tyler Johnson's girlfriend?" Gabby shrieks.

Oh yeah. I completely forgot about telling Gabby and Emi.

"I am so sorry! Tyler was keeping me busy! And by the way, he's not my boyfriend!" I exclaim.

"Girl, we saw everything this morning," Emi says.

"That was an act," I tell them "Tyler asked me to be his fake girlfriend because he likes Allie and wants to make her jealous."

Their faces immediately fall.

"And here we were, creating ship names for you already!" Gabby says.

"Yeah! We had Tybrey which was rubbish. We had Auley which was also the pants! And we had-" Emi starts listing them but I cut her off.

"I don't need to know my ship name with him. It's all fake! I'm just doing this because I felt sorry for him," I smile.

It felt harsh saying that. But it was true - the only reason I agreed to be his fake girlfriend was out of pity.

Gabby and Emi both raised their eyebrows but said nothing.

I was a stupid girl for agreeing to be Tyler's girlfriend.

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