Chapter 9 - I Hate That She Likes Cole

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I Hate My Fake Relationship : Chapter 9 - I Hate That She Likes Cole

Tyler's POV (Point Of View)

IT SIMPLY AMAZED ME HOW GOOD AUBREY WAS AT ACTING. In 2 days, she had already convinced everyone - including Sapphire, Lena and May - that she was my girlfriend.  Aubrey was nice as a popular girl - she helped the geeks, she talked to the ugly girls that were only there for me to fuck with and she was somehow sassy but also kind to the teachers.

Unique is what Eric called her.

Eric was like some sort of manager for the plan of trying to make Allie jealous. So far, it looked as if the plan was actually going downhill because Allie had not reacted in an angry way but Eric said it would take time for her to realise her feelings. I hoped he was right.

Me and Aubrey were still the main gossip. Everyone asked how me and her met each other and Aubrey kinda used the truth.. She said that I had dissed Peppa Pig and she got really angry about it.

People didn't laugh at the fact that Aubrey watched Peppa Pig because they just adored that girl.

Me, Eric and Aubrey were just waiting at my car for Allie and Quinn to come. I knew they were probably talking about how much they loved each other and that pained me. Aubrey could sense my pain and put her hand on my arm as an attempt to comfort me - surprisingly, I did feel better.

"So... What's up... In your lives?" Eric asked weakly, to try and get the awkwardness away.

After a few more seconds of silence, Aubrey answered "Not much. Aiden's still really surprised that me and Tyler are "dating". Mum and Dad don't disapprove of Tyler anymore because Cassandra has been talking to them about some of your good traits."

"She has?" I question, surprised.

"Yeah," Aubrey responds "She's been coming over more than usual too."

"That's bad," Eric says "It probably means that she's suspecting Tyler and Aubrey are actually a couple."

"Why does it matter if Cassie knows?" Aubrey asks "I mean, she's always approved of me and she wouldn't tell anyone. It really doesn't matter whether anyone knows except Allie and Quinn - we could tell half the school the truth and it wouldn't make a change to the plan we have."

"That's true," I say nodding.

Eric tries to change the subject, in order to get the awkwardness away again "I was thinking, the gang could go to the hangout again tomorrow, yeah? Aubrey's never been there."

"What's the hang out?" She inquires.

"It's basically a cool place where we hang out." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything.

"And yeah, Eric. We could go there tomorrow."

"Do Sapphire and May have to come?" Aubrey asks.

"Yeah," I answer "They're still part of the crew. Why didn't you mention Lena?"

"Because I actually want Lena there - she's not as bad as people think. Gabby, Emi and me have been hanging out with her lately. She's quirky, funny, kind and crazy when you get to know her."

Eric raises his eyebrows "Gabby and Emi?"

Aubrey looks at him "My best friends" she explains "Gabriella and Emilia."

Eric nods "If they're your friends, then invite them to the hangout too tomorrow."

"Really?" Aubrey asks, excitedly.

"Sure," I answer for Eric "They're your friends and the last time I saw them with you in front of our houses, they seemed quite cool."

"Thanks!" Aubrey smiles widely. I immediately realise that with everyone going on and me actually teaching Aubrey how to be popular in a good way, that she hasn't had time to hang out with her friends. I don't know why but the fact that I unintentionally stopped her from hanging out with her girlfriends made me sad.

At that moment, Cole appears.

"Hey, Aubrey!" he only greets her "Just wanted to tell you that Aiden's got this urgent Lacrosse meeting with the team. He told me that if Tyler wasn't dropping you off, then I should."

Aubrey's eyes sparkle at the news and I immediately feel this pit in my stomach for a reason I don't know.

"Um.. Actually, Tyler has to go somewhere with Eric. Something about a garage, right?" She looks at me, pleading with her eyes for me to agree with her.

Eric looks amused but kinda annoyed about all this.

Aubrey's look just makes the pit in my stomach worse... But I know that if I disagree with her, she'll be angry at me. And for some reason, I know I would absolutely hate it if she was angry with me.

"Right!" I say brightly, trying to get rid of the unexplained pain I had "Eric and I have to head somewhere else.. Thanks for being able to take Aubrey home!"

Aubrey smiles at Cole and he smiles back. I immediately feel the pain sharpen.

Eric just shrugs "Hey, Cole, the gang is going to be at the hang out tomorrow. We'll be gone for today so spread the news."

Cole just nods.. He can't get his eyes off Aubrey. Neither can she.

She likes him, I realised. The pain sharpened so much that I nearly doubled over. I couldn't
explain the pain. Eric was watching my every moment with a knowing look in his eyes.

Cole actually had the nerve to hold out his hand.. And of course, Aubrey took it.

There was nobody else in the car park so it didn't matter whether they held hands.

I closed my eyes as the two walked away. They looked like the happiest couple ever. Eric was just smirking and wouldn't say why he was acting like he knew something I didn't.

"Let's .. Let's just go, man." I was surprised at how weak my voice sounded.

"We have to wait for Allie and Quinn, remember?" He reminded me.

I nodded, not able to say a word.

A few minutes later, Quinn and Allie arrived. The shocking fact to me was that even though I was spending time with Allie right now, Aubrey was still on my mind ..  And I still felt the same pain.

I realised that the pain was .. Jealousy. Jealousy of Cole...

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