Chapter 10 - I Don't Really Have A Title For This Chapter ... Oops?

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I Hate My Fake Relationship : Chapter 10 - I Don't Really Have A Title For This Chapter ... Oops?

Eric's POV (Point Of View)

"Hey, Quinn.. I never knew you were going to be here today." I said to my best friend. God, I hate saying those words.

"Well, I didn't plan to be here at first."

I nodded and didn't disturb him. Quinn was cool... He was usually the prankster and the jokester of the school but Quinn actually liked being alone a lot. There were always an hour of his day when all he did was think about his life. He liked getting deep into his thoughts a lot when he wasn't pranking people.

I didn't understand why he thought serious stuff like that but I respected it and I didn't say anything while he sat on The Thinking Rock.

"I love Allie.." He finally whispered after a few minutes.

I didn't want to hear him. Listening to him talking about Allie would just make me feel guilty about Tyler and Aubrey.

But I couldn't just walk away when my best friend looked like he really needed someone to talk to.

"You do?"

He nodded "I know Tyler likes her..."

This was kinda a shock "How long have you known he likes her?"

"Since third grade... He's liked her for a long time."

"Oh." Was all I said.

"I know what you're thinking," he said, looking away from me "I'm the worst friend in the whole universe to actually date the girl my best friend wants."

It's funny because that was exactly what I was thinking. But I didn't say anything.

"However," he continued "I can't stay happy if she's not next to me. I love Allie, I know I do. I know she's the one for me - I can be the real me around her, we understand each other, she makes me happy and actually makes me laugh when I'm in a bad mood.. She's the perfect one for me. I've tried staying away from her but that ended up really bad. I was basically depressed without her. I only like her company besides yours and Tyler's."

That's when I felt even more guilty.

Quinn stayed silent for a couple more minutes before he spoke again "But at least Tyler has Aubrey now. I mean, he's finally gotten over his crush for Allie. Those two are a great couple."

Thank goodness he didn't know about the secret plan.

I still kept quiet. Noticing that I wasn't going to say anything, Quinn took off to his car and drove away.

Why in the fuck did I even interfere in this love drama?!

Aubrey's POV (Point Of View)

"Guess who's back, bitches?!" Cole shouted as he walked through the front door with Aiden.

I chuckled and sighed, looking over at Aiden "You brought that bastard back?!"

Cole smirked "Aubrey, don't act like you didn't miss me."

I chuckled again and said to Aiden "I'm gonna go to the carnival with Lena, Gabby and Emi."

Cole gasped "Leeeeeeennnnna?"

"Yupadididoodlydoo. She's cool," I shrugged.

"I did notice that she's barely with Sapphire and May anymore," Aiden said.

"Yah," I responded, grabbing my car keys "Byezies!"

I headed out and got into my car. I was supposed to get Lena first because her house was the closest, but to be honest, I was pretty scared at being with her alone.

I knew that she felt uncomfortable with us. She thought that she wasn't allowed in our small group of girls.

And I wanted to reassure her that she was now one of us.


"Are you serious?!" Lena shrieked "Aiden actually ran across the neighbourhood once, naked?!"

I laughed again at her reaction "I'm serious, Lena. Gabby, Emi, Cole and I always used to have fun at our combined slumber parties."

"They sound really cool."

"They are cool," I replied "And in fact, I'm having one on Saturday. Would you like to come?"

".. Did you really just ask me that?.." she questioned.

"Uh.. Yeah. What's wrong?"

"It's just.. I'm just so surprised that even after years of me bullying and tormenting you, you still invited me. You're.. You're amazing, Aubrey. You're kind and caring, and you make everyone feel special.. No wonder Tyler loves you."

"Thanks, Lena" I genuinely smile. I decide that I trust her enough to tell her that Tyler isn't my real boyfriend "But Lena, Tyler doesn't love me.. It's all just an act so that he can get Allie."

Lena looks over at me "Aubrey, I already knew that."

I'm shocked "You did?"

"Yeah. But I believe that it isn't an act. The way he looks at you, the way he only smiles when you're there, the way his eyes sparkle when you're around him.. Nobody can fake those twinkling eyes.. He loves you."

Lena decides that she's said enough and gives me space by letting me keep quiet and think about all of this.

I keep asking myself why I even care if he loves me.. Why would I care if I only like Cole?

All of this makes me in such a bad mood that I say absolutely nothing when we're at the carnival.. Until I see Tyler.

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