Chapter 11 - I Love Cole

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I Hate My Fake Relationship - I Love Cole

Aubrey's POV (Point Of View)

ONCE WE REACH THE CARNIVAL, I START THINKING ABOUT WHAT LENA SAID. What if Tyler really does like me? What if the kisses he gives on the cheek, the smile he has when talking to me, isn't actually an act?

Although I desperately want to know the answer by confronting Tyler, I just think it'd be better to forget about him. Just tell him that there's no point in continuing the plan because after Eric told me (and me only) about the conversation he had with Quinn, there's no way that Quinn and Allie are going to break up. Allie may have had some small feelings for Tyler in the past but you can tell she's clearly in love with Quinn.

And I'm clearly in love with Cole, I've felt that way my entire life. And just a few fake kisses on the cheek with Tyler will never change the feelings I have for Cole.

"Hey babe," Tyler pulls me close to him and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey.." I say.

"Are you alright? You seem quite nervous," Tyler comments.

"We need to talk." I say the words that everyone gets worried at.

He raises an eyebrow and that's when we get interrupted.

"You two lovebirds coming?" Quinn asks, laughing.

"We'll be there in a minute." Tyler answers and pulls me away to some place more private where the gang can't see us.

"What's wrong?" He asks, letting me go.

"Tyler, I know what I'm gonna say is going to seem quite rude, but do you think this plan is going to work?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's a bit obvious that Allie likes Quinn. And she always will. She's not that type of person to break up with a boy, and then go for the best friend of that boy. And she would never hurt Quinn. And not only that, but she's clearly in love with him."

Tyler just stands there, his eyes seeming shocked. "Do you really think that?"

"I don't just think that, I know that. It sounds harsh but I think the harsh thing is that you're willing to hurt your best friend Quinn all for a girl." I tell him.

"The same could be said for him," Tyler scoffs.

"If you were the better and bigger person, you would confront him and tell him that you're feeling hurt. You wouldn't be so childish as to get a fake girlfriend and make your crush jealous."

"It wasn't even me who thought of the idea!" Tyler says.

"Eric didn't realise how much he would be hurting people. He didn't realise how much Quinn loved Allie."


"Tyler, I'm just saying-"

"Just saying? JUST SAYING? You like to do this, don't you? You like to note every mistake someone makes, and the time you reveal those mistakes are when the person is in a weak spot." Tyler accuses me.

"I do NOT do that. I can't believe you'd even say that."

"Listen to me, Aubrey. I'm at a hard position, I've betrayed my best friend and I've lost the girl I ever had feelings for-"

"Maybe you wouldn't have lost her if you had never acted like a player. A f*ckboy." I tell him.

He just shakes his head and walks away.

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