Chapter 1-Back to LA!

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"Good morning,children! It's another beautiful day,please wake up!" I heard dad through the intercom thing in my room. I chuckled as I put on the necklace Lucas gave me. Don't worry,he's not my boyfriend or anything,yet. I just wanna have a reminder of him,and plus,it still kinda smells like him. Won't lie,the boy smells like fruits.

I went upstairs to see dad and Gavin outside watching the sun rise.

"Awh look at my other sunshine!" He said pointing the camera to Gavin. "Come here sunshine!"

"Hey,so I'm not your sunshine?" I said with a giggle. He turned around so the camera was facing me.

"Well of course your my other sunshine! Heck there's so many sunshines in this house we'll probably go blind! Speaking of which,wheres the 3 other sunshines?" Then he shut the camera off.

"You excited for your first Vidcon Arianna!"

"Heck yes!"

"Yea that's what I'm talking about! Hey that's a nice necklace,who from?"

"Oh uh-it's from Lana..." I said hesitatingly.

"Don't lie,that's from Lucas!" Gavin yelled from outside.

"Oo pretty boy did give you a necklace! HE'S NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND RIGHT?" Dad said shaking me,in a playful way.

"Shay! Come on we gotta go!"  Mom yelled holding Brock and Daxton.

We all packed into the car and I pulled out my ipod and got ready for the long car ride.

Throughout the car ride,I could hear dad and mom vlogging the pretty orange sky. I looked out the window while listening to my current favorite song, Stitches by Shawn Mendes.

You watch me
Bleed until I can't breathe
Fallin' onto my knees
And now that
I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing sitches
Tripping over myself
Begging you to come help
And now that
I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches

And just like that,I fell asleep.
I looked over to see everyone else sleeping. We were close to the aiport now. This always happens! I always wake up whenever we're clos to where we're going,I guess thats a good thing though.

"Mom? Dad? Where are we now."

"We're less than 10 minutes from the airport. You hungry?"

"No not yet." I continued listening to music until I saw the airport.

"Guys wake up." I shook Avia and Gavin. Avia stretched her arms out causing her to hit Gavin,which then caused him to wake up. I laughed which made Emmi and the rest of them wake up. That was easy.

"All right,let's get to Los Angeles!"
"Only one more stop until we're in LA!" Dad said into the camera. I was carrying Daxton because,why not?!

We were walking to the gate as Brock pointed to the food stands.

"Daddy I hungry!"

"Yea I'm kinda hungry too babe. What time does the flight leave?"

"Not for another hour and thirty minutes. Yea I guess we could go get some breakfast."

We all cheered as we got in line for one of the bakeries.

"Four egg and ham croissants and 2 water bottles." Mom said to the cashier as she handed her twenty dollars. I grabbed a croissant and handed the other half to Brock.

"If you can't finish it just give it to me." I said taking a big bite of the croissant. Man was I hungry.

I looked at the people passing by to see if anyone was wearing Trixin clothing. No one really was,none that I saw. Trixin's a pretty cool logo,I don't get why people don't really like it. We get to do some fun shoots for it,but I guess that gets tiring for people.

As I finished,I saw no one that was wearing Trixin clothing,so we walked to the gate. Emmi pointed out that there was a play area,so we all walked in. When we came in there was nothing but a few chairs and those really old play things.

"Yea I'm out." Gavin said walking out with Avia.

"I'll take the two sassy teens over to the gate with Brock. Brock you wanna stay?" He clutched onto mom. "I guess that's a no. So Arianna,Emmi,and Daxton are your's Shay."

We took a seat at a table and Daxton immediatley just started having the time of his life at this race track toy. Oh the minds of little one year olds.
"We would like to be the first to welcome you to Los Angeles. Thank you for flying Delta Airlines,we hope to see you again soon." The flight attendant who refused to give me peanuts said over the intercom.

We grabbed all our bags,and children,then got off the plane. As we walkes out of our gate,people were swarming. Yup,we're definetely in LA.

Dad vlogged and the kids stayed with mom holding Daxton through all the chaos.

"Dad did you call the goober?" I said laughing.

"Arianna stop it! I didn't know what it was called okay." Avia said to me.

We went down to baggage claim to get all our bags.

"Mommy can I get one?" Brock said looking at everyone waiting to get their bags.

"Are you sure? They're a little heavy." He nodded excitedly. The red light sounded and the carousel started turning. Luckily,our bags were the first ones to come out. Mom saw it on the other side and she let it go so Brock could get it. Dad pulled out the camera to film Brockules grab the bag. I was impressed because that bag was very heavy.

As we walked out,the hot air immediatley blasted onto my face. The Uber was already outside waiting for us. To the apartment we go!
"Alright,we're back and Taylor Swift is here to welcome us back! And she's wearing her Trixin dress,very stylish." It's been a while since I've been to the LA apartment.

"Babe I'm gonna go to the rent a car place. Kids,I'll be back with a sweet new ride!" We all waved goodbye as we sat down to watch TV. We're in LA,we could be doing so many different things besides watching TV. Nah,TV's kinda awesome.

I went outside and sat down on the patio looking out at the ocean. Ah how I love LA.
Welcome to the sequel of Just Livin My Life As A Shaytard! What did you guys think of the first chapter? Way better than the first chapter of the other book right.

QOTD:Did you guys go to Vidcon this year?
AOTD:I was so close to going,but didn't😭


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