Chapter 3-No Way

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"Wake up children!" Dad said shaking the bed vigoriously.

"Five more minutes." We all groaned.

"We don't have five minutes! We have things,very important things to do today!"

"If I get up,will you give me ten dollars?" I asked half awake and half asleep.

"Nada Arianna. Get yo booties up and at the table!" He said leaving the room. Once I saw Emmi get up,I got up too. I followed her to the table where pancakes and waffles were waiting for us.

"Good thing we got up first." Emmi said grabbing a pancake.

"Cheers to not being lazy!" We touched forks and dug into our waffles and pancakes not waiting for the other kids.

Avia came in yawning,"Good morning guys what's for-waffles?! Pancakes! How dare you two not wake us up. Gavin! Get up,Arianna and Emmi are hogging the waffles and pancakes!" She shouted to Gavin. He came running in trying to pull his shorts up. We died laughing and continued eating-well tried to continue after seeing that sight.

I finished my waffle,picked out an outfit,and headed into the shower. I was singing in the shower,until Gavin interrupted me.

"Give it to me I'm worth it! Baby I'm worth it,uh-huh I'm worth i-"

"Arianna! Stop singing and hurry up,seven other people have to shower too!"

"Okay,okay!" And I continued singing.
"Alright,so we're just gonna stay here for a while OK?" Dad said opening the black curtain to reveal a large blue carpet full of beanbags,chairs,and tables.

The first two beanbags we saw,Gavin and I raced towards it. The kids ran somewhere else to get their own.The camera crew then focused on Avia,Brock,Daxton,and Emmi doing their own little thing. "Oh my gosh Arianna look." I looked over to see Miranda strutting over to us. And by strutting I mean croutched down doing her funny walk.

"Hey,"she said then rubbed under her nose,"can I get a picture with you."

"Yes,of course!" I said doing the Miranda voice. Gavin got into our picture and she sat down next to Gavin. Dad immediately grabbed the camera and began vlogging.

"Gavin just met Miranda Sings."

"Hey."Gavin said like he was so cool.

"My new bae."Colleen,or I guess Miranda said. "Oh snap!"Dad said pointing the camera at me. Then Gavin started singing Miranda's hit song "Where My Bae's At?" I'm sure you've all heard it. The two of them started jamming out. I walked over and the three of us started jamming out. Well,I tried,Miranda blocked me out cause she thought I was stealing her bae. "You're the best bae ever!" She said then she slowly put her head on Gavin's shoulder and dad shut the camera. Then Miranda went fro Miranda to Colleen.

"Congratulations Colleen!" Dad said giving her a hug. Then they started talking about their wedding which I already watched,and cried. Gavin walked over to some guy holding a deck of cards and I walked over to Avia playing with Daxton. The guy holding the deck was actually Colleen's brother Chris,and he was doing a magic trick. I walked over, about to watch the trick,until Grace Helbig walked in.

"Grace! So good to see you!" Dad said giving her a hug. "Oh my gosh."I said under my breath. Yes I know she's a little inapropro at times,but hey,Camp Takota was funny.

Mom and dad were still talking to her,so I stayed with Avia watching the magic trick. Grace saw me and said,"Hey isn't this the new one?" She said pointing at me.

"Yea,you of course know Avia,and this is Arianna. Arianna,Avia get a picture with her!" Dad snapped a picture of the three of us.

"One more dad?" I said handing him my Polaroid. Avia got bored and walked over to Gavin again.

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