Chapter 8-Happy Thanksgiving!

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A/N yes,thanksgiving was like 3 eternities ago,but at least I updated this book LOL.

Arianna's POV

Thanksgiving day people,that's right you heard me,it's Thanksgiving day. That also means it's been two years since I haven't had that nasty old turkey sandwiches back at the orphanage. I yawned and stretched out my legs just before dad bursted into my room in his robe with his hair all ruffled up.

"Get up,thirty minutes,bread in kitchen,go." Dad said with his low voice.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you too Sleeping Beauty." I said playfully as I got up to fix my bed.

"You're one funny,almost teenager Arianna. But seriously grandma's expecting us in like forty minutes,chop chop Ms.Teenager!" Dad shouted as we "Carlie walked" out of the room.

"Excuse me sir,I won't be a teen till next month!" I yelled back as I picked out my outfit. I found a black fluffy jacket,an orange and black long sleeve shirt,my dark blue jeans,and my new combat boots I got a few weeks ago! I began getting ready.

Thanksgiving not only means getting to spend more time with your family,but it also means you can get away from all the homework,rude people,and crappy stuff going on at school! I haven't told anyone what's going on,maybe Gavin has a clue of what's happening but doesn't fully know what my problem (or should I say problems)are.

I ran upstairs to see Gavin and Avia looking outside as dad logged,and Emmi buttering the rolls. I walked over to help Emmi with the rolls,but I soon got distracted by the fresh slices of watermelon just sitting on the countertop.

"But you know what my favorite thing is," dad then grabbed my second slice of watermelon out of my hands,"watermelon! Even on Thanksgiving Day!"

"And you know what I love,"I said grabbing the watermelon out of dad's hand just after he took a bite,"taking watermelon from my dad."
"Daxton go to daddy!" Avia scolded Daxton to get off the pretend stage,which was really just the basement. It's that time again,when we put on plays for the family!

I was with Gavin as the Indians on the land and Avia was the lead,of course. Avia and Brailee had to fight for the main role,while Mackenzie and Cooper were the other Indians. (A/N I'm sorry I couldn't really tell what Coop was LOL and in case you've forgotten,Mackenzie is Casey and Kayli's child)

"You can't take our land!"Gavin and I yelled as we pretend to shoot Avia with a ballon pump.
"I'll get ya!" Avia shouted as she tried to hit us with her broom,Gavin and I shrieked running back.

The play continued on,with Daxton shouting,Grandma laughing,and Winston running around as a wild indian. And at some point in the play,Daxton got onto the stage again. I couldn't help but laugh at how hard the Pilgrim,Avia,tried to get him off.

"On December 4th,19-1619,the Pilgrims invited the little girl indian,the nice indian,the mean indian,the crazy indian,and the cool indian to a feast." That's when we all walked onto the stage as Daxton and Winston fought over Avia's "spear". I could tell most of them were getting bored because I saw them mainly just looking at the babies.

Daxton and Winston were screaming over the spear,and mom went over there to stop it.
"No no let them go,this is great." I heard Uncle Casey say and I bursted out laughing. Avia gave me a small glare since I broke out of character,but it's okay,no one was paying attention to Brailee and us pretending to eat the feast.

We bowed as everyone clapped and whisteled,but the camera was still zoomed in to the "Blonde Pilgrim's" battle over the spear.

"Emmi played the little girl indian,Gavin played the mean indian,Cooper played the nice indian,Mackenzie played the cool indian,Arianna played the crazy indian,Avia played the pilgrim,and I was the narrator." Brailee tried to explain,but you could barely hear her over the screaming of Winston and Daxton.

By the time she finished,Daxton and Winston were in the "boat"and Grandpa gave them the broom again.

"There now go fishing." Brock jumped in as well.
"Great idea dad,put them in a tupperware with a broom,good one."
I started pushing them around the basement as they kept fighting for the broom. Seriously,does the broom have magic powers or something?
And when we thought a fifteen minute play wasn't enough,the five of us girls decided to have another performance.

"Everyone get in the living room!" We all shouted as everyone began coming in. We got in our starting pose as mom vlogged and announced us.

Brailee:Are for
All of us:For you,you,you,you...

We got in a like from tallest to shortest at that point.

All of us:We are thankful for...
Brailee:Our conversations
Me:A lot of food
Mackenzie:Dance and music
Avia:Diet coke

Emmi said starting to lower her voice. We bursted out laughing

Brailee:Are for
All of us:For you,you,you,you...

We continued with same things before we realized mom wasn't vlogging anymore.

"It's pretty late now,I think we're gonna get going." Dad said yawning as he stood up.

"Yeah us too." Casey said.

We all hugged and took some leftover with us as we ran to the car since it was freezing. As soon as the car started and the heater went on,I instantly fell asleep. The last thing I did hear was,"Look at the little angel asleep,we love you Arianna." I heard mom whisper probably into the camera. Oh how I love my family.

5,936,627,342,679,1738 years later and I finally updated HOOPLA!

QOTD:How excited are you for the Shaytards christmas special?
AOTD:Let's just say very, very, very, very, very, very, very,very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, excited

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