One Year

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One year since I published Just Livin' My Life As A Shaytard,or as it was when I first uploaded it,Adopted by the Shaytards.

Thank you all,each every one of you who voted,commented,and shared my story. I remmeber uploading the first four chapters in one night,why can't I do that today!

I remember sharing to my class that "Yea I have wattpad,I have 2k reads." And now we have 26k! That's crazy! You guys are what keeps me writing. If I could give everyone who read and voted for my chapters a hug,I totally would!

September 17,5:43 P.M in 2014,I began writing these stories.

Because it's been a year,I've created a snapchat for you guys to see me outside of wattpad,and maybe I'll even let you guys onto little secrets😉

Honestly,as cheezy as this may sound,thank you everyone,from the bottom of my heart. Thank you guys so so so much.

Thanks Luvs,for everything over the past year.💓😭

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