Chapter 5- 8:30

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My little sister,Emmi Laurie Butler,just turned eight,can you believe it? Like Dad said in the endslate of her birthday party,she has changed the most. She went from the little toddler that could barely speak,but now she has transformed into a fine young lady. I know many of our viewers say she is neglected because she is the middle child,but she definetely is the heart of this family. She can always give us a good laugh no matter how we're feeling,that's why we love her. Her birthday was amazing. Watching her face light up as she saw her new American Girl Doll was priceless. Happy Belated Birthday,to Emmi Laurie (Loofus) Butler.
Just a few more days until we go back to school. Yea I'm pretty excited,sixth grade means we have to go to middle school.
(A/N I don't know about the kids sixth grade,but for us we have to go to middle school for sixth grade now. I know some schools still have sixth grade in elementary,but a majority don't)
Yup,Gavin and I are going to junior high. With all the seventh and eighth graders. Lockers,different classes,but from what I know,we only switch between a few. But,I'm still excited.

Now it's 7:30 on a summer day. Why are we even up? Gavin and I have an orientation,it's when we get our schedules,classes,locker combinations,everything.

I was on my iPod using Kik,talking to Lana and Mackenzie about orientation. We were all gonna sit next to each other and stay in line together.

"Gavin,Arianna,you guys ready? The parking lot is gonna be packed,we better get going." I put my iPod in my pocket,walked out with Gavin and Mom,and ran out to the car.

"Shotgun!" I shouted as I touched the handle to the passenger seat.
"Dangit." Gavin said looking down. I grinned at him and jumped into the car.

"Did you bring the camera mom?" I said rummaging through her purse until I found the camera. "Nevermind!" I said as I turned on the camera.

"Hey guys! So yesterday was Emmi's birthday,as you guys saw,and now we have orientation,at 8:30 in the morning,yay." I said yay in a very flat and sarcastung tone.
"Oh come on cheer up Arianna! My babies are going to middle school now."Mom said pouting.
"I'm happy we're middle schoolers,just not excited to be up at 7:45 on a Thursday." Then I shut the camera off and put it into my pocket.

The drive to school was mostly just us singing along to the songs on the radio,maybe not singing,more like shouting.

Mom was right. When we pulled into the parking lot,it was already packed. We luckily found a spot near the school,phew! It was only 8:00 now,so we had thirty minutes to just sit in the car and do whatever. My iPod was at 30%,so I didn't wanna use it since I wanted to take pictures with all my friends. So I sat there listening to music while looking outside.

I was fixing my hair,until I realized Mackenzie was going into the gym,and behind her was Lana.

"Mom let's go! Lana and Mackenzie are here!" I jumped out of the car and ran to Lana leaving them behind.

"Arianna!" She yelled as we exchanged hugs. Her Dad and my Mom started talking,while Gavin was just standing there. That was until she saw Alex and Lucas.
"Let's all catch up in line,I'm pretty sure we're gonna be standing there for a long time." I said stretching the long and walking into the gym with mom and the boys tracking behind us.

We found seats with our other friends,we made room for everyone. Everyone was catching up with each other,except they weren't asking me. Let's face it,if they wanted to see what I was up to,they could've just looked at our channel. Everyone was up to pretty interesting things. Going to amusement parks,just staying outside all day,their summers were great! I'm happy for everyone.

Everyone began quieting down as soon as our principal stepped onto the podium in the middle of the gym. Here we go.
"What's your name?" An eighth grader holding a stack of papers asked me.
"Arianna Butler." She handed us two papers. "And I assume Gavin Butler is your brother."
"Thanks."I said as I handed Gavin his paper. I scanned through my schedule. The only times we had to be switching was after lunch and during P.E. Great,I have P.E with the older kids.

"Gav,what's your classes?" He looked at my paper.
"Exactly the same as yours except for P.E."
"Well that works too." We moved up the line and soon enough, we were buying our gym uniforms and padlocks.
"Ms.Butler will have locker 2129,and Mr.Butler will have locker 2136. Here are your combinations,have a nice day!"The lady at the desk said to us with a big grin.

"Wait Mom,can we wait for Mackenzie and Lana,they're almost done."
"Well you can wait I'm going to my locker." Gavin said walking out of the gym.

"Lan,Kenz,what's your guys' lockers?"
"Mine is 3135." Lana was in the third quad,a little farther from me.
"Mine is 2132." Mackenzie was surprisingly close to me!"
"Well let's go check your lockers out girls!" Mom walked out with the three of us. Lana immediately went to her locker,which was a bottom locker.

"Well this sucks. I'll meet you guys at your lockers I just wanna open it." We nodded our heads and walked to the second quad. I got a top locker,and so did Kenz. We opened it excited for something magical to pop out,but it didn't. Instead I saw dust,gray dust on the bottomf of my locker. Mom handed me a wet wipe to clean it.

"That's better!" I looked to my right and saw Kenz having a hard time opening her locker. I explained to her,and I saw Gavin near us. Near Gavin was Izzy. Izzy got a corner locker,and Gavin and her were right next to each other.

"Kenz,have you seen Lucas?"
"Uh yea,he's in the third quad I think." She said as she opened her locker,finally.
I put a small emergency kit bag in my locker,closed,and locked it.
"Hey mom,I'll be back,just wanna go see some other people,wanna come Kenz?"
"Nah I'm good,I'll just keep practicing my locker."
"Don't go too far,be back here in five minutes,we're gonna do a walk-through." I nodded my head and walked over to the third quad. I see Lucas near Lana's locker,just a few more down,talking to some girl.

"Hi Lucas!"I said interrupting their conversation.
"Oh hey Arianna," he said putting his arm around me,"this is my buddy Clara. She used to go to my old school. Arianna,Clara,Clara,Arianna!" Clara had long brown hair,her eyelashes were long,she had the most gorgeous hazel eyes I've ever seen,and she had light brown streaks in her hair.

"Hi Clara,nice to meet you." I said holding my hand out for a handshake. She enthusiastically took it.
"Can you believe we're right next to each other!"
"Awh that's great! I'm in the second quad by the-"
"Hey Lucas could you show me where these classes are?" I was cut off as Clara was looking at her schedule.
"Yea sure! Is that okay with you Arianna?"
"Go for it! We were actually about to do that too,so I guess I'll see you?"
"Yea! It was nice meeting you!" She said waving back at me as Lucas lead her out of the halls. I heard Lana slam her locker and look at me.

"Don't take this the wrong way Arianna,but you're dead."
"Yea,"I sighed looking at their lockers,"I know I'm dead."
I survived school and I have come to write more! I'm feeling more inspired now that school has began,get ready for some drama people! Yup,sixth grade drama is always the most entertaining. I mean,our school is full of drama.

I dont know if you guys remember,but I wrote a message like that too for Avia on her birthday,so I had to do it for Emmi too of course!

QOTD:Would you guys rather have my chapters be based on the vlogs,be completely made up,or half and half?
AOTD: Decided to just try to go BEFORE the vlogs,so I may have to correct it later if you guys like.


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