Chapter 2-Hi!

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Today was it. We've been in Anaheim for a few days now,but today was our first meet and greet. Two hours of smiling,taking pictures,and signing hats and other stuff. Today was definetly gonna be a tiring day.

I put on one of my dresses and came out into the huge sitting area.

"Alright kiddos! Stay with mom,I have a panel to go to. We'll all be at the meet and greet at around 1,remember that's gonna be two hours! Get your game faces on,lemme see those game faces!" Dad shouted at us. We all did some angry,kind of scary faces. It kind of scared Daxton.

"No I mean your smiles for the pictures! Geez you guys are so unproffesional!" We all said 'oh' then did our 'selfie with fans' smile.

"That's what I'm talking about! Alright see you at one!" He gave us all a kiss and headed down.

"Alright so we have," mom said looking at her phone,"two hours to kill. So where should we go?"

"The mall!" Avia shrieked.
"No, Toys R Us!" Brock shouted at mom.
Mom laughed at our suggestions.
"Well,we definetely need to go to Target. Then we'll find something else to do. Sound cool?" We all gave a thumbs up of approval.

"All right,I'll go call the Goober!" We all laughed as Avia just rolled her eyes.
"Hey guys! So we're here at Target,to get some,ya'know stuff for the Trixin crew. They've been working so so hard at the Trixin booth,so we decided we needed to get them something." Mom put the camera away and we walked over to the food aisle.

"What do you think we should get them."
"Maybe some cookies?"
"What about ice cream!" Brock said enthusiasticaly.
"Brock,this is supposed to be for the whole week."
"So,they'll get a freezer." I laughed as Brock didn't really understand what I was trying to say.
"What about candy. Everyone looves candy!" Emmi said with her tongue out.

"Huh,that's a great idea Emmi!" We pushed our cart over to the candy aisle.

"Family size?" Mom said grabbing a huge bag of skittles.

"Yes! The bigger the better!" Emmi shouted. Man she really loves candy.

We grabbed M&M's,Skittles,Starbursts,Sour Patch Kids,and a mix of different chocolates. The Trixin crew is really gonna have so much energy. We were walking down as I began to vlog.

"Hey guys! So we got soo much candy for the Trixin crew. They're never gonna run out of energy! They're gonna need that sugar."

"Well we do too." Emmi said as her face came into frame.

"Well,I guess we do." Then I turned off the camera. Right when I turned it off,Brock and Daxton grabbed baskes and began pushing it around like go karts.

"Can you vlog this one mom,I wanna do it too!" I said grabbing a basket. I ran down the aisle with them.

"Daxi wait for me!" I shouted as he squelled running faster. I ran faster than both of them,causing them to run back to mom. I saw Emmi right behind me,and she helped me team them. I was wearinga dress,so this probably wasn't the best thing to be doing.

I kept chasing them not paying attention,until I bumped into someone's feet.

"I am so sorry! I was just chasing after my little brother's and I didn't see you there." I said standing up straightening myself. I looked up,and I couldn't believe who it was.


"Lu-Lucas! Oh my gosh I'm sorry,how long have you been watching us?"

"Well I saw you guys run off,so I decided to wait until you came back for you to "hurt" me." Then he looked and saw I was wearing his necklace. He grabbed it so that the arrow was fully shown. "There,much better."

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