Chapter 4-Singing For Them?

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"We're gonna play King of Beanbag Mountain,you lose!" Dad said pushing Emmi off of the green bean bag. We were backstage of our Q&A panel. I'm super nervous,yet kind of excited! The kids,and dad,were wrestling for the one green beanbag. Avia and I just were sitting on the red couch waiting since we were both in dresses. Wrestling and dresses don't really go well together. Yup,I finally got to wear my black and white dress while Avia wore her mint dress.

"Hey John catch!" I saw dad throw a beanbag straight at John's camera,causing him to fall back,which then caused me to fall back in laughter. "Ricky catch!" Dad threw another beanbag at him and thankfully,he caught it this time. Dad ran into the beanbag which made him fall,I swear dad and his buddies are the funniest. Dad went to text Casey if he would moderate our Q&A,and a few minutes later he sent dad a picture of him getting the bathtub. Ew.

"Are you guys excited?" I asked the kids.

"Pretty darn excited!" Avia squelled.

"I can tell this is gonna be great!"Gavin said leaning back on the beanbag. "Are you nervous?"

"Well kinda. There's a lot of people out there,I already know it."

"Don't worry Ari,you'll be fine,you're a natural at this kind of stuff!"

"You think?"

"Defs." Avia replied sitting by my side and giving me a pat on the back. A few minutes after sitting and eating all the chocolate backstage,Casey and Grandmatard came.

"Alright you guys ready? Just have fun and remember,they're practically all part of our family." Mom said as she gathered us all backstage.

"Alright let's get the Shaytards out here! Shay,Collette,Gavin,Avia,Emmi,Arianna,Brock..." The announcer continued to say our names as we all stood in a line. "Alright you guys can go ahead!" As soon as Casey started walking I knew it was go time. I shook it off and walked out onto the stage. The crowd cheered,applauded,roared,what else can I say? They were crazy! I took a seat next to Gavin and crossed my legs to look more like a lady. Dad hung backstage for a bit,then he came out and once again,the audience went wild.

"Vidcon 20125 are you ready!" Dad yelled into the microphone. I couldn't help but laugh.

Once we were all settled and the audience went quiet,Casey continued to explain what and how we were gonna do this question and answer segment with the Shaytards. I saw that the camera was focused on Gavin,dad,and me,so I did a funny face and the crowd laughed. We waited for the questions to roll in,and as soon as they did,we began answering.

"This first question is from Fanwich,a lot like sandwich,and they ask 'how do you manage to upload daily blogs everyday?" Dad answered because he's the one of course editing and filming,and he even gave a shoutout to Charles!

The next question was "What are your guys' favorite colors?" And just by me saying 'purple',the crowd cheered. Just by Brock saying 'red' the crowd awh'd. It's amazing how we can just talk and a thousand people will go crazy.

A few more questions came in and one of them was "Who do you guys watch on Youtube?" We watched a few,but when we did, we would go nonstop.

"Rhett and Link on Good Mythical Morning."Gavin said. "Hey I showed you them!" I said and the audience laughed. "Yea well they're awesome."

"Bratayley." Emmi said.

"And the Wasabi brothers." I scoffed and corrected mom. "Mom,they're Wasabi Productions."

"My bad." She said giggling. Maybe this really wasn't so bad after all! Mom continued naming some other Youtubers we watched a lot and each time she did,the fans from those channels screamed.

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