Chapter 7-Haircuts,Heartaches,and Pencils

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I woke up and my eye boogers were basically restricting my eyes from opening. I scratched them off and opened my eyes to see the sun shining through my curtains. I squinted through the sun and saw Zeke peeing on the flowers. I quickly got up,picked out an outfit and went to my bathroom.

I splashed my face with cold water and I immediatley got a jolt of energy. I brushed my teeth,but thoughts kept running through my head.

You don't need Lucas. He's just a guy that you met last year,he's nothing right?
But he was your first kiss! That had to mean something to him!
Ugh you don't need him! There's way better boys at our new school.
But he's so cute! You can't stop someone from thinking someone is cute right?
But he called me stuff! I can't like him anymore,he's a jerk!

I hadn't realize that I was staring off into space still brushing one side of my teeth. I quickly did a few swishes around my mouth,and gargled with my mouthwash. I got out of the shower so Gavin could go next,and changed into a Motavator crop top with leggings. I packed my backpack and sat on the couch.

I looked in the mirror amd saw my hair was dry at the ends. My hair was getting really long now,the last time I probably got a haircut maybe,a year or two ago?

"Hey mom,do you think Kaylie could give me a haircut later?" I said turning to her.

"Sure,I'll ask her if she has time. How short are you gonna cut it?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe like two or three inches,maybe below or above the shoulder. I just want a new look. You know,new school,new me I guess." With a grin.

"Well Miss middle schooler,I'll see what she can do. But I kinda like your long hair,I'm gonna miss it!" She giving me a hug from behind.

"I'll keep my long hair if you let me dye it." I said with my biggest smile as I turned around to face her.

"Nooo,not until you're eighteen,don't push it Missy." She said ruffling.

"Mom! I just fixed my hair!" I said running to grab a hairbrush.

"Ha!" She shouted back at me."
"I'm gonna go to my locker,I need to put my after lunch books in there." I turned to walk over to my quad,but I saw Clara and Lucas taking pictures and hugging. I stood there,looking at them like a creepy stalker.

"Arianna." I looked behind me and saw Lana. "Are you okay? You just hung up on me out of nowhere." I looked back at my locker,and saw them disappear.

"Yea,I'm fine,don't worry." I said with a toothless smile."

"Good. I don't need my bestie being sad on the second day of school." She said putting her arm around me and walking to my locker. I put my after lunch books in,closed it,and walked out to the blacktop. I saw Gavin and Izzy talking,and all of a sudden,Gavin brought out a rose. I was so confused. I never saw him take a rose,and I didn't even know they were still a thing.

I looked to my left and saw Mackenzie and John hugging. I laughed because John was just a little bit taller than Mackenzie,maybe just by like 2 or 3 inches.

I looked to my right expecting Lana to be next to me watching everyone,but now she was also with Alex hugging.

Are you kidding me,it's been a day and all of my friends are sort of in a relationship. I sped walk through the halls trying to find someone I knew,that wasn't occupied. I saw Angelina and Ken.

"Hey! Angelina,Ken!"I said running towards them.


"Yea! Hey do you think I could hang with you guys? My friends are all hugging and stuff and I don't have a bae at the moment."

"Welcome to the club." Angelina said raising her hand up for a high five. We walked around the school just talking and getting to know each other. They were pretty cool. And soon enough,the warning bell for first period rang.

"Let's go Angelina,see you in social studies Ken!" He waved going to the second quad. I walked into room 2,and saw a different teacher.

"Hey guys,I'm your new teacher,Mr.Benny,I would like you guys to all cover your books while I take attendance." I took my book covers out from last year and put it over the thick book. I looked to my side,and saw a boy mocking me. He was pretending to flip his his hair and pretended to put his bangs behind his ears,something that I do a lot.


"Here!" I replied.

"A butler? By any chance are you related to Shaycarl?"

"I'm his daughter." I said with a chuckle. Everyone began murmuring. I guess some of them knew me.

Mr.Benny continued the list of names.


"Here." The boy who was mocking me earlier. That's his name.

After attendance,he handed us a textbook quiz. Great,day one of this teacher and there's already a quiz.

I was answering number two,when one of Jay's friends threw a pencil down at my chair. I looked at it,then back to the girl,then back to my paper.

"Hey girl! Can you get that?" She said pointing at her purple led pencil. I picked it up and she took it. "Thanks." She said with a toothless smile. I continued my work,when I heard another drop of a pencil. This time,it was green.

Jay looked at his friends,and he picked it up near my chair. This continued for the next 10 minutes,I never bothered to pick it up,until th fifteenth time he dropped it.

"Here." I said looking down at him.

"Thanks." He said and returned to his seat and began yelling at his friends.

"He likes you!" One of them whisper-shouted at me. I began blushing.

Jay had shaggy brown hair,he was tall,taller than Lucas. His eyes were a hazel brown color,I only know this because he bent down near my seat 15-25 times.

"Alright you guys may pack up and line up." I put my science books in my backpack and rushed over to his friends.

"Hey I'm Arianna. What were you guys saying I couldn't really hear you." I said chuckling.

"Oh Jay likes you,that's why he's running away from you."

"Oh that's why. So do you guys have fourth or fifth period lunch?"


"Awh that sucks I have fourth." The bell rang and we flooded out of our classroom.

"See you around!"
"Okay Arianna,how short do you want it?" Kayli said brushing my hair.

"Just below the shoulder."

"Wow that's pretty short,well you'll still look beautiful anyways." She said with a smile.

I saw my hair get chopped off and fall to the floor,dad came in vlogging.

"So Ms.Sistertard over here is getting a haircut! I wanted her to keep it long,but she really wants it short. How ya feelin,give us the details!" Dad said shoving the camera in my face.

"Very very excited!" Kayli just continued to cut my hair.

"Well you're gonna have a great look for the Streamy's which is not so far!" Then he shut the camera off.
"So,what do you think?" Kayli asked handing me the mirror. I ran my fingers through my short hair.

"Loving it! Thanks Aunt Kayli!" I said giving her a big hug.

"No problem Arianna." She said putting her arm around me.

There,now I can have a fresh start at this school.


Long time no update,seems like everyone is reading my other story LOL.

QOTD:Do you think the Shaytards should've won the award for family and kids at tye Streamys?
AOTD:I have nothing against What's Up Moms,I've just never heard of them so I was shocked.

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