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Hi! This is my first one shot and fanfiction thing-y so bare with me and please send prompts :)

Dean slumped back into the couch after having gotten up to fetch himself another beer from the bunker's kitchen. He sipped a little bit of it as he flipped absentmindedly through the seemingly endless tv channels. He finally settled on some movie that he can't seem to grasp the name of as Sam walked in, his face drooping. Dean raised an eyebrow at his younger brother but got a shake of the head in response.

"It's nothing Dean, don't worry about it." Dean sighed and nodded his head, knowing that it wasn't 'nothing' as Sammy had said, but wasn't going to push him. If Sam wanted to tell Dean, he would. Dean went back to looking at the tv and taking swigs from his now almost emptied beer bottle.

Sam took a seat in a chair not too far from Dean and stared at him, thinking hard. This was a daily thing for Sam as he studied Dean everyday, trying to get answers from his body language but always came up short. He just wanted to know why Dean hasn't talked in a little over a year now. It has something to do with Cas, and, to Sam's luck, Cas isn't answering his calls.

Sam leaned back in the chair and took a glance at the tv. Joe Dirt was playing and Dean seemed to be laughing along with it. Dean took another sip from his beer and looked over at Sam, sensing he wanted to get something off his chest, which is exactly what Sam was going to do.

"Dean, I know you said-well wrote- for me not to even try to contact Cas, but I did." Dean bit at the inside of his cheek and glared down at his beer bottle, wanting to scream in frustration, but refused to say anything. "Look, I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't take the silence anymore Dean. I had to figure out what happened between you two and you won't tell me so I went to the only other person who does."

Dean wasn't paying much attention to what Sam said after he said he had contacted Cas. All that was going through Dean's mind was, did Cas show up? God knows Dean screwed up, and he also knows just how Dean would do anything to take it back. Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair, regretting telling Dean now.

"Don't worry though Dean, he didn't show up." Sam mumbled the last part, knowing that was his last hope at trying to fix things. He was going to try to convince Cas to talk to Dean, but Sam himself didn't get the chance to talk to Cas. Dean didn't know what hurt more, the fact that Cas didn't come, or the fact that Sam went behind his back. "Dean, please just talk to me. I'm your brother." Sam pleaded as a last resort. Dean continued to stare at his beer bottle as Sam huffed in annoyance and stood up, looking at Dean then walking out.

Dean didn't like the look on his face, it meant Sammy was up to something, and it wasn't good, for Dean at least. He downed the rest of the beer and set it down, going back to watching the movie. Sam, on the other hand, went out to the garage towards the Impala. He had already grabbed the keys earlier so Sam hopped in and started it, driving off.

Sam didn't exactly know where he was going, he just needed to be some place where Dean isn't around. Sam figured Cas wasn't popping in when he called because Dean was around, so Sam figured maybe, just maybe, Cas would come when Dean isn't around. Sam slowed down as he saw a field coming up. He steered the car to the side of the road and turned Baby off. He went to the field and stood in it, hope in his eyes.

"Castiel, it's me, Sam, only me. We need to talk, please." Sam pleaded. He stood there for a moment, waiting to hear the flapping of the wings and the soft but firm 'hello' he always gives out. After a minute, Sam was starting to loose his only hope he had left in him, as he heard the familiar flutter and turned around. Sam grinned brightly and walked up to Cas and gave him a hug. "It's nice to see you again Cas."

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