3| Healing Each Other

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Oh my thank you to those who are actually reading these I love you my little cupcakes


I parked the car in the bunker's garage and turned Baby off, then got out. Sam and Cas practically fell out as they slept the entire way back from our previous hunt and was exhausted. I don't know why I wasn't as tired, but I don't care.

"You two look like walking zombies." I chuckled as I walked past them and into the bunker, hearing grunts in reply. I walked into my room and fell down onto my bed. That wasn't a good idea as I shot back up on my feet. I was filthy since we didn't get the chance to wash up before we left.

My head snapped up towards the door as Sam trudged by with his head hanging tiredly. I stood and waited for Cas, but he never walked by. I walked out into the hallway and saw Cas leaning onto the wall, trying his hardest to stay upright and standing.

"Cas," I said as I jogged over to him. "You alright man?" Cas' eyes snapped up to mine as he then pushed himself up off the wall. I grabbed the top of his arms to steady him as I looked at him concerned.

"I'm fine Dean. I just need to go take a shower." Cas told me as he broke away from me started walking clumsily towards the bathroom. I watched him cautiously from a few feet behind before running up to him and putting an arm around his waist to keep him from falling.

"Dammit Cas, you can't even walk correctly. How do you expect to take a shower by yourself?" Cas didn't answer as he slumped against my side. I sighed and adjusted my arm more securely around him before heading for the bathroom. "I'll help you clean yourself, alright? That means a bath." Cas nodded his head as we walked into the bathroom. He leaned against the wall and stared up at me.

"Thank you Dean." I smiled slightly at him then walked up to the tub and started it, making sure the water was the right temperature, before turning around to Cas.

"Start taking your clothes off, but stay in you underwear, got it?" Cas nodded his head and started taking off his shirt as I did the same. Once we were both in our boxers/boxer briefs I looked up at Cas. "Alright you get in so I can wash up your cuts." I smiled softly at him as he walked over to the tub of water and slowly got in.

I got in too, seeing as it was a big tub, and sat behind Cas with my legs out on either side of him. I grabbed a rag and some soap and started lightly dabbing at the cuts on Cas' back. He winced and I pulled back immediately. "I-I'm sorry." Cas shook his head.

"It's alright Dean." I sighed and nodded my head, then continued to get the blood off of Cas' tan skin and clean the cuts. After cleaning all the cuts I could see from this position, I stopped and tapped Cas' shoulder.

"I need you to turn around." Cas simply yawned in response and turned in the water, sitting cross legged as he faced me. His intense blue eyes boring into my green ones. I brought the rag up to Cas' face and started there. When I got to a cut near his lips, I let my eyes stare for a moment then looked at where I was getting blood off of his cheek.

Once I got all the cuts on him clean, even the ones on his legs, I rung out the rag and set it on the edge of the tub. Cas stuck a hand out a gripped my wrist. I turned to him confused and he let go once he knew he had my attention. "You still need to be cleaned Dean."

I nodded my head and leaned against the back of the tub, still facing Cas. "I was gonna come back and do that once I made sure you were in your bed and ready to sleep." Cas tilted his head like he does when he doesn't get something.

"Why can't I just clean you?" I shrugged my shoulders and Cas picked up the rag, wetting it again. I huffed and leaned away from the edge so Cas can clean better. He started with my legs and worked his way up, slowly, like he was taking the time to enjoy this.  I didn't mind though as I found it relaxing. I closed my eyes after a moment as Cas started on my torso area. "Dean, wake up, I need you to turn around." I opened my eyes slowly as Cas whispered in my ear softly. Had I really fallen asleep?

I nodded, letting Cas know I heard him, as I turned around to put my back to Cas so he can clean it. Once again he worked slowly, cleaning up my back and the backs of my arms. I felt Cas stop and I took the chance and leaned back into his chest as I closed my eyes again. Something about Cas made me feel so calm, and this wasn't the first time I've noticed.

Cas hesitantly and loosely wrapped his arms around me from behind and laid his head down on my shoulder. After a minute or so of staying in that position, Cas decided to speak up. "I think we should go to bed Dean." I sighed and slowly stood up, sleep wanting to take over at that very moment. I stepped out of the tub and grabbed Cas' hand to help him out. We dried ourselves off then walked out of the bathroom, going our separate ways.

I stopped at the entrance to my room and turned back around. Cas has already made it around the corner to where I couldn't see him anymore. Sighing, I walked in my room and dropped my towel, getting shorts and shirt then changing into them. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around my room. I wanted to sleep so badly, but I knew I wouldn't be able too, not after feeling so calm and at peace when I was wrapped up by Cas' arms.

I decided on what I was going to do, I was going to sleep with Cas. My face turned red as I realized how that would sound if I had said that out loud and to someone. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I started walking to Cas' room. I slowly opened the door and knocked lightly on it, letting Cas know that someone's here.

"Hey Cas." Cas sat up and gave me a questioning look as I closed the door behind me and walked over to his bed and sat on the empty space that was next to him.

"Dean? What are you doing here?" Cas asked as he turned on the lamp besides his bed. I shielded my eyes, but the dropped my hand as they adjusted.

"I wanted to know if I could sleep with you tonight." I bit the inside of my cheek and looked up at Cas. He looked back at me surprised as he rested on his elbows. "I-I mean actually sleep. I didn't mean sleep with you but if y-" Cas cut me off by putting one of his hands over my mouth, then taking it away.

"Of course you can Dean." I smiled at Cas and got under the covers, laying on my left. Cas turned his lamp off and turned to me, draping his arms around me from behind once again. "Goodnight." Cas mumbled against me.

I smiled tiredly and yawned before saying, "G'night Cas."

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