28| The Coffee Man (Sabriel au)

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I'm really getting to Sabriel okay so I had to do a one shot for it. It's my second otp.

Sam walked into the coffee shop and walked to the counter, looking up to the menu. This was a new coffee shop in town and Sam wanted to see if it was any good. After a moment of looking Sam looked down to the barista.

If Sam was being completely honest, this man was actually very attractive, and short. "I'll just take a regular coffee with whip cream." The guy nodded as Sam briefly glanced to his name tag.

"Name?" He grabbed a cup and a sharpie, looking to Sam with an eyebrow raised as he was ready to write.

"Sam. Thank you, Gabriel." Sam smiled to him and Gabriel blushed ever so faintly, nodding and writing it down.

"Your total is $4.67."  Sam handed him the money and took the receipt then waited. Once he got his coffee, he went to go walk off with it, but Sam, being the clumsy moose that he is, bumped into someone.

Gabriel looked down as the coffee splashed onto him, wincing as he felt the heat of it. Sam starts rambling apologizes as he grabs napkins and helps clean up Gabriel. "I'm sorry. Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

That was three months ago.

Sam has been going to that coffee shop twice a week every week since, and has grown a crush on the Gabriel the barista. As for Gabriel, he's been trying to get the attention of Sam for three months, and was sure he was just trying to drive though a dead end.


Though, the next day that Sam walks into the coffee shop, Gabriel looks up to him and smiles. "Want your usual, Moose?" Sam shook his head, offering Gabriel a smile.

"I thought that maybe you can make your favorite drink this time." Gabriel raised an eyebrow to Sam, confused. "I know your break is in a few minutes. We can hang out if you'd like."

Gabriel grinned happily, not having expected that. "Alright, I'll still put your name on the cup." Sam chuckled as Gabriel wrote 'Moose ;)' on his cup then gave it to one of the workers, telling them what it is.

"I'll pay for it as well, my treat." Sam smiles to Gabriel then hands him the money for it. He nods and gives Sam the receipt when he's done then walks around the counter to Sam.

"Fool of surprises aren't you, Moose?" Gabriel grins up to Sam. He chuckled and nodded, grabbing Gabriel's hand and pulling them to a table together.

"Well, I'd been planning on doing this for a while. Just had to pick the right time." Sam smile to Gabriel and he smiles back. "Today just seemed like a good day."

"It's definitely a good day." Gabriel grins then gets up when they call Moose. He takes a sip as he sits back down. "Mm, thank you, Samwich."

Sam chuckles and smiles. "You're welcome, Gabe." He crosses his arms over the table and leans to Gabriel. "So, tell me more about yourself."

Gabriel raises an eyebrow. "Not much to know. I have three older brothers. Two are dicks and the other is fun to hang with. I also have a little sister."

Sam nods. "I have an older brother. He's the best. Practically raised me." Gabriel nods and takes another sip of his coffee.

"Maybe we can hook up our two brothers." He grins and Sam laughs.

"We can all go on a double date then." Gabriel blushes lightly and sips his coffee. Sam smiles to him.

"I'd like to do that, Sam."

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