2| The Sketch Book (au)

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This one is about Castiel and Dean being roommates in college so have fun and have feels

Castiel was sitting on his bed in his dorm. He had nothing to do and was bored out of his mind. He had finished all work and homework, studied for an hour, and cleaned the dorm as best as he could. Dean wasn't back yet from his class and wouldn't be for half an hour, so Cas had to figure out something himself.

He sighed in annoyance and got up from his bed, turning to look around the room. His eyes fixated on his old sketch book. Cas chuckled lightly to himself as he walked over to it a picked it up, flipping through the pages. There was trees, butterflies, faces that he has sketched in the past, and many other things. Castiel ran a light hand over his sketches and decided he would sketch since he hasn't in months because of college.

He picked up a well sharpened pencil as well and sat back down on his bed, cross legged. Cas opened up to a clean page and started sketching. He was going to draw a face, since he always was fond at sketching out each and every feature. He started with the basic outline and went from there. The pencil never coming off the page for more than five seconds.

After a moment Castiel had to stop as his hand started cramping slightly. It wasn't used to sketching as much anymore. He decided to get up and get some water. He opened the fridge, got one out, and walked over back to his sketch book. Cas eyed the half-way done sketch and spit out his water to the side. His eyes were wide. Castiel has been sketching Dean this entire time. Cas ran a hand through his hair as he got a hand towel for the water on the floor. He started wiping up the water that was sprayed over the floor as he continued to mentally scold himself.

How could he be so stupid? What if Dean saw it? Their friendship would be over. Castiel got up, put the hand towel on the counter, and flopped back down on his bed, sighing loudly. It's not like he meant for it to be Dean. It just sort of happened.

Suddenly the door opened and Dean came in, dropping his book sack next to the door. "Hey Cas, missed me?" Dean joked with a teasing smile on his lips. Cas rolled his eyes back, momentarily forgetting the sketch, and smiled back at Dean.

"No, not really." Dean's face dropped at Castiel's serious tone of voice. He got up and grinned up at Dean as Cas lightly pushed him. "Of course I missed you assbutt, you're my friend." Dean smiled down at Castiel then flopped down on his bed.

"I know, I was just messing with you Cas." He rolled his eyes again and started walking away. "Where you going?" Dean asked calling after Castiel. He glanced over his shoulder, but kept on walking.

"The bathroom." Cas didn't wait for an answer as he opened the door and shut it behind him. Castiel started drying his hands with a towel that was hanging on the rack as he heard Dean again.

"Uhm...Cas?" Cas immediately froze, finally remembering the sketch. The one that he had left wide open. He took a deep breath and tried to sound casual.

"Yeah Dean?" Castiel walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked over to Dean, who had the sketch book in his lap, staring down at the most recent one. Cas bit his bottom lip and cautiously sat on his bed cross legged again. Dean was sitting at the farthest end of the bed, opposite of Castiel.

"Is this supposed to be..me?" Dean looked up at Cas with a puzzled look on his face that made his eyebrows furrow together. Cas decided long ago that Dean looked cute with that expression, but Castiel wasn't sure how he felt about it at the moment.

He looked down at his lap and fumbled with his pencil. "Yes, it is. I-I didn't mean to though. It just happened." Cas rushed out while avoiding eye contact. He wasn't sure what he would see if he looked into Dean's vibrant green eyes, and he didn't want to find out.

Dean didn't answer and Castiel looked up slightly to see what Dean was doing. To much of Cas' surprise, Dean was tracing the lines of the sketch like he was entranced. After a moment of Cas nervously chewing at his lip and Dean trying to remember every part of the sketch, he finally looked up at Castiel with admiration in his eyes.

"Cas it's-it's amazing so far." Cas blinked a few times. He wasn't expecting that to be said. Dean laughed lightly at Cas and returned to looking at the sketch. "Where did you learn to draw like this?"

"My dad. He was always good at drawing and creating things." Castiel tilted his head and squinted his head slightly, not sure if Dean was playing a nasty trick on him or not by acting calm and amazed. "So you're not creeped out or anything?" Dean shook his head and set the sketch book down behind him, then turned his body to face Cas'.

"Why would I be creeped out? Cas, you're skills are awesome. I'm just flattered that you drew me so nicely." Dean smirked at the end causing Cas to blush slightly.

"Thank you Dean." Castiel said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Dean grinned at Cas and scooted closer to him until their knees were touching one another's. Dean reached behind him, grabbed the sketch book, and set it on top of their knees, opening it up to the first sketch.

"Where did you sketch this at?" Cas looked down at the upside down sketch and immediately recognized it. It was an oak tree, a rather big one.

"At this park where I lived before college." Castiel answered as he remembered how long he was out there to complete it. Dean looked at the sketch a moment longer then flipped to the next one.

"How about this one?" And that's how the rest of their evening together went. Dean asking for the story of the sketches and Cas answering them proudly, watching Dean with a fondness and a soft smile.

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