9| So Much Blood

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Hey sweet things! I am so sore right now, like it hurts so much to walk. My family and I went hiking a few hours from where we live, there were so many steep hills!


Cas was flipping through the channels on the tv as I was looking through a newspaper for any cases. Sam was doing the same, but on his laptop. This was just a normal no crisis day for us. We didn't have them very often, but when we did this is how we spent them.

I set down the newspaper and leaned back into the sofa sighing. "Well, there's nothing in the newspaper." Sam nodded his head, but didn't look up from the screen. I looked over at the tv and saw Cas had stopped at some weird show. "Cas, what're you watching?" He shrugged and tilted his head while squinting at the tv.

"Why is there scars on that person's wrist?" Sam turned to Cas with a cocked eyebrow and I rubbed the back of my neck as he looked over to me questionably. I licked my lips and looked at Cas.

"They cut themselves Cas. Sometimes when people are feeling really low, they do that because sometimes the physical pain is better than what they're feeling on the inside." Cas nodded his head and turned the tv off.

"I hope he gets better." I nodded my head and looked away, feeling an awkward tension rise in the room. Cas stood up and looked at me, then Sam. "I'm feeling tired so I'm going lay down, I'll see you when it's lunch time." Cas walked off and went down the hall and I looked over to Sam confused.

"Don't look at me." He said while shrugging. I shook my head and leaned back, putting my hands behind my head and relaxing. I should make burgers for lunch, they're Cas' favorite.


I took the last burger off the little electric grill and turned it off, pushing it to the side and out of the way. I got out things that would go on a burger, like lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup, things like that. After making and putting together three individual burgers, I grabbed the three plates and walked out of the kitchen with them.

"Sam! Cas! Lunch is ready!" I said yelling throughout the bunker. Sam looked up at me as I set his plate down in front of him on the library table. I set mine down in front of him and set Cas' next to mine. Looking around, I noticed that Cas hasn't come out of his room yet. "I'll go get Cas." Sam told me something, but it was muffled from the food in his mouth so I didn't hear him.

I put my ear up against Cas' door and didn't hear anything. "Cas, I made lunch. It's your favorite." When I didn't get a response and opened the door quietly and peered in. Cas wasn't in his bed, or his room for that matter. I closed the door and rubbed my chin while thinking of where he could be. Maybe he just went to the bathroom.

I started walking down to the bathroom. If he isn't in there, then I have no clue of where else he would be. I made it to the bathroom and knocked on the door softly. "Cas? You in there buddy?" Once again I didn't get a response. I went to open the door, but it was locked.

"G-Go away Dean." I heard Cas say faintly. Why did Cas sound so drained? I tried the door knob again, but I still couldn't get it opened. I knocked on the door, this time harder than before.

"Cas let me in." Cas simply grunted in response and I started to shove my shoulder into the door. When that didn't work, I took a step back and kicked at the door. No luck. I tried again and this time the door swung open. I rushed in and froze at the door, not able to move. "Cas..."

Once I came to my senses and quickly bent down next to him and held him. There was blood pools on each side of him, all coming from his wrist where there was cuts up and down his forearms. I looked at Cas distraught as he looked back at me with tears in his eyes and tears running down his face.

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