25| My Wings

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Candy canes are one delicious weapon :)

"Dean Winchester is dead."

Those four words kept circling Castiel's mind. He couldn't quite grasp the idea. Yes it is true that Dean has died times and times before, but not since he pulled Dean from hell.

Since they've became close friends, Dean has not died. Not until now, that is. Castiel tugged tirelessly on his hair, sitting on one of the library chairs in the bunker. He didn't know what to do.

It feels like his heart was tugged out from his body. Angels weren't supposed to feel, especially not this much, but Castiel couldn't help it. This was Dean. His Dean. His soulmate. Literally.

It was rare for angels to have a human soulmate, and it's worse for Castiel because Desn doesn't even know Castiel is interested in him in any way, shape, or form.

Castiel suddenly got up, making sure he had his angel blade on him, then flying off to Hell. Literal Hell. Castiel was going see Crowley.

He appeared suddenly in front of Crowley in his "throne room". He was sitting there, simply looking at his phone sadly. Castiel stood, clearing his throat to grab Crowley's attention.

"Wha-Bloody hell, Castiel. Maybe a little ring next time before you pop in." Crowley stated, obviously startled by Castiel's presence.

"I don't have your number." Castiel stated emotionlessly. It was true, he never bothered to save the number. Crowley pouted.

"It's just three digits. 666. Seriously?" Crowley shook his head. "Just tell me why you're here, Castiel."

"I want to make a deal," Crowley sat up attentively immediately, interested now. "I want you to bring Dean back to life." Crowley snorted.

"Castiel, have you been with the humans too long? Have you forgotten that you do not have a soul to bargain with?" Castiel shrugged.

"I was thinking about my wings." Crowley looked at Castiel as if he heard wrong. "I would like to give up my wings for Dean to live again."

"You can't be serious," Crowley stood up. "You'd give up being an angel for some human? Dean Winchester nonetheless." Castiel nodded, determined.

"Of course. He is my soulmate after all." Crowley blinked at Castiel.

"Soulmate?" He thought. "Well, that puts a lot of things into perspective now." He shrugged, sighing. "Fine, Castiel. I will make the deal. Gotta admit, I miss the elder Winchester myself, though not the way you do."

Castiel gave a small smile to Crowley. "Thank you." He rolled his eyes, waving his hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So you positively want to make this deal? There's no going back after." Castiel nodded quickly. "Alright, then. Let's shake on it." Crowley stuck his hand out to Castiel.

He shook it and started feeling pain in his back, right where his wings would be. Castiel screamed in agony, it feeling like they were being ripped out from him. After a moment, it stopped, and he was panting.

"Well there you go. One Dean Winchester Soulmate coming up." Crowley grinned and snapped his fingers, Castiel suddenly appearing back in the bunker. He looked around for Dean, knowing Crowley would have simply snapped him over to here.

Castiel heard a groan coming from Dean's room and immediately went in that direction, opening the door when he got there. On the bed lay Dean, alive and confused.

"Cas?" Dean looked up to him. "What happened?" All Dean could remember was blacking out, and then remembering the memory of a Christmas that he, Sam, and Castiel had all celebrated together here in the bunker.

Castiel walked into the room and sat on the side of the bed, facing Dean. "You had gotten knocked out, and you've been out for a few days. Though you're better now." Castiel gave Dean a gentle smile.

Dean nodded some, leaning up on his elbows. "That makes sense. Well thank you for helping me out, Cas," Dean smiled to him. "I can always count on you."

Castiel let out a soft chuckle, looking to Dean with bright blue eyes. "Yes you can, Dean." Castiel didn't worry about Dean's reaction when he found out Castiel gave up his wings, and he didn't worry about Sam's reaction either.

Castiel just worried about making sure Dean was safe, as that is what mattered mostly to the former angel.

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