30| How I Met Your Father (au)

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Sorry it's been so long! I try when I can to write and publish.

Castiel looked down the hall. "Gabriel! Come on!" He yelled, an agitated tone to his voice. They were supposed to be going out for drinks but he was taking a while.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Gabriel walked out of his room at the end of the hall in the small apartment and walked over to Castiel. "I had to fix my hair."

Castiel scowled. "You're hair looks no different than normal." Gabriel shrugged and grinned.

"Not my fault." He patted Castiel's shoulder then walked past him and to the door. "Now let's get going, it's getting late."

Castiel went to speak up but instead shook his head and chuckled at his older brother.

The two headed out to Castiel's car, and once there he drove to the bar.

Castiel walked into the bar after his brother, looking around. It had been a while since Castiel had been to one.

The two walked to the bar and sat down, Gabriel ordering them both drinks. "Gabe, why did we come out here again?"

He looked to his younger brother and grinned. "To have fun! You need to let loose, Cassie." Gabriel grabbed one of the filled shot glasses and held it out for Castiel. "Now drink."

Castiel grabbed it hesitantly and eyed it cautiously. He held it up then quickly took the shot. Castiel set it back down and coughed. "Damn that's strong."

The person next to Castiel looked over, his green eyes curious and amused. "What, can't hold a little liquor?" Castiel turned from Gabriel and looked to the person who spoke, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess not." The man grinned and handed Castiel over another shot that he had. Castiel eyed the man before taking the shot, coughing some again.

"What's your name, Angel?" The person asked, now a gentle smile on his face. "My name's Dean, by the way."

Castiel offered a kind smile back and stuck out his hand for a handshake. "Castiel. And it's nice to meet you, Dean."

Dean, instead of shaking his hand, gently took hold of it and pressed a kiss to the top of it. "It's nice to meet you too, Cas."


"And that, my children, is how I met your father." Castiel said with a soft smile on his face as he remembered the memory. The children looked to one another then back to their father.

"You guys met in a bar?" Their eldest child, Mary, asked. Castiel nodded and let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes. We were young back then." Castiel fiddled with the wedding band on a chain around his neck. It wasn't his, no. His was where it belonged on his ring finger. The ring on the necklace was for Dean.

Their second child, Bobby, tilted his head. "Do you miss him?" Castiel's lips turned into a small, yet sad, smile.

"Of course I do. Your father was the love of my life." Castiel held onto the ring before letting it fall back to his chest. "And I'll always miss him."

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