10| The Doctor Is In (au)

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I'm watching Supernatural as I write this and it's reruns from season five, wish me luck!

Cas walked down the halls of the hospital in the early morning with a cup of coffee in his hands. He usually drank tea, but needed something much stronger from the late night he had at the hospital.

Someone and his brother ran through the emergency doors right when Cas was about to leave. The guy had severe burns on his left leg so Castiel took him and attended his burns in the burn unit.

They joked around, had fun, even the brother stayed and joined in with them. The cost, though, was his sleep. At least I didn't have any big surgeries today, were Cas' thoughts.

He sighed and rounded a corner, taking a few sips of coffee as he approached the room of his late night patient. Castiel walked in and was greeted by two fast asleep grown men. Cas bit his lip. He didn't want to have to wake him, but he needed to switch out his bandages.

Cas set his cup down and walked over to the side of the bed where Dean lay at. He lightly shook Dean and he stirred some. Cas shook him again, this time a little more, and he started opening his eyes.

"Hey Cas." Dean greeted as he stretched. Cas smiled to him and pull up the stool he had used the night before. Dean looked over to him as he leaned back into the stiff mattress. "Bandages need a change?" Castiel nodded to him.

"Yes, it will help your burns heal faster." Dean nodded his head from his sitting position. Cas grabbed the new bandages and set them on the bed, then slowly peeled off the old bandages. Dean tensed as the cool air hit the burns. "Sorry." Castiel said softly as he eased off the other bandages.

"It's alright Cas." Castiel didn't say anything as he got a medicine wipe and lightly dabbed at the burns. Dean once again tensed up and gripped the sheets. Cas bit down on his lip and put away the wipe. He didn't like hurting people, he liked saving them. Hence why he became a doctor.

Dean relaxed again as Cas picked up the new bandages and started putting them over the burns. Once he was done Cas threw away the old bandages and his gloves, then took another sip of his coffee as he sat back down in the stool. Dean chuckled and looked Castiel over.

"Long night?" Dean asked amused. Cas nodded his head then rubbed a hand tiredly over his face. He might be able to get some sleep in an on-call room after rounds.

"You have no idea." Cas said laughing slightly. Dean grinned at him as Cas rested his arms on the bed and looked up at him. "I'm just glad today isn't going to be as busy for me as usual."

"Maybe you could visit me when you have the time." Dean suggested looking down at Castiel. He shook his head with a smile on his face.

"I just might be able too." Cas smiled up at Dean and he grinned back. Suddenly Castiel's pager started beeping. He checked it and cursed under is breath. "I have to go, it's a 911 call." Dean nodded as Cas got up and put the stool back.

"Go saves lives, I'll see you soon enough." Cas smiled thankfully at Dean one more time before bolting out of the room down the halls, his coat flapping behind him as he went. Dean sighed tiredly and closed his eyes. He might as well go to sleep.


It was mid-day and Cas was headed for Dean's room. He was being released today and Cas wanted to say goodbye. Dean was his favorite patient after all. They had a lot of laughs and nice talks together over this past month or so while his burns were healing and being taken care of.

Cas smiled at the memories and walked into the room, the door already open. "Hello Dean." Cas greeted as Dean looked up at him, pausing from packing up a duffle of his.

"Hey Cas. Come to see me off?" Dean grinned at his doctor as he nodded to Dean. Cas walked over to Dean and engulfed him into a hug. Dean froze. What ever happened to that patient and doctor rule thing? "What are you doing Cas?"

Cas rested his head on Dean's shoulder and shrugged, his arms loosely around Dean's waist. "You're released, you aren't my patient anymore." Dean chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around Cas too.

"I've been waiting for this." Dean admitted while rubbing Cas' back in a comfortable motion. Cas smiled and sighed in content.

"Me too Dean." They stayed like that for a moment longer until Cas reluctantly pulled away and pointed to Dean's duffle. "You need to finish packing and get on home. The guys at the firehouse will probably like to see you out of this hospital again." Dean nodded and started packing his bag again.

"What time did you say you get off today?" Cas blinked a few times, momentarily distracted by Dean, then looked up at him.

"At eight if all goes okay." Cas shrugged when Dean looked up to him. "You know how the hours are." Dean let out a laugh and Cas grinned. He loved it when he could make Dean laugh and smile.

"I'll be expecting you to stop by at my place when you get off." Dean said to Cas as he zipped up his duffle and slung it over his shoulder, walking over to Cas and standing in front of him. Cas rolled his eyes jokingly and grinned up to Dean.

"Only because you said something about it." Dean glared playfully and Cas laughed softly, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck and pulling his head down to him so Cas could kiss him. Dean didn't even get to kiss back before Cas pulled away smiling, a slight blush on his face.

"You better bring those lips with you when you come over." Dean exclaimed while grinning at Cas. He chuckled and backed up some then walked over to the door. He stepped out and waited for Dean to follow him out.

"I'll see you then." Cas told Dean as he slowly started walking away. Dean turned around, still walking away, and smiled to Cas with his green eyes gleaming.

"See you then."

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