17| And Here Comes The Rain

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No friends and my life sucks dick. Next one shot is going to be longer and is going to be intense.

Dean and Castiel finally sat down on a bench after hours of trying to track a person down. Key word: trying. It's been useless, they couldn't find Crowley anywheres. And just as they sat down, thunder cracked across the sky. Dean groaned.

"Great, just what we need. Rain." Castiel looked up at the sky and squinted his eyes.

"How far are we from the car?" Dean shrugged at his question and huffed as the first rain drop fell on his arm.

"A /long/ walk, Cas. We'll be soaked." Castiel nodded and bit his lip as he thought, debating on whether or not to use his wings despite them not being that powerful. He was on borrowed grace after all.

Castiel decided to stetch out his wings and put one over Dean as the rain came down more. He looked up, noticing the rain passing over him since he couldn't see Castiel's wing.

"How the-?" Dean looked to Castiel confused. He smiled to Dean.

"I have my wing over you so you won't get wet, seeing as you didn't want too." Dean nodded and blushed lightly, hoping Castiel wouldn't see.

"Thanks, Cas. I appreciate it." Castiel continued to smile at Dean.

"Dean, can I try something?" Dean nodded and looked at Castiel curiously.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" Castiel looked into Dean's eyes softly the slowly closed them, leaning towards Dean. Dean realized what Cas was doing and he started blushing more ever so slightly, staring to Castiel in a frozen state.

After a moment, Dean closed his eyes as well and pressed his lips to Castiel's softly, bringing his hand up and cupping the side of Castiel's face. He scooted closer to Dean and wrapped his wings around him, carding his fingers through Dean's hair.

It wasn't until Dean needed air that the two broke apart, faces flushed and grins on there faces. "You know, you should try new things more often, Cas." Dean stated, chuckling and rubbing the side of Castiel's arm.

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