31| Just A Regular Bus Conversation (au)

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It's been soo long since I published anything oh my. I sincerely apologize, I've been very busy. But I haven't forgotten about you guys! This is something I wrote for my English class, and I thought it would be nice to share :)

     Charlie dropped her book sack down on her bus seat then slumped down into it. When nobody looked over to her in her dramatic state, she let out a groan. Her friend Dean looked over to her with an amused expression and an eyebrow raised. "You okay there, Charlie?" She nodded and sat up, one leg on the ground to hold her up as the other was kneeled onto the seat.

     "Yeah, everything's fine," Charlie smiled to Dean, her previously dramatic and done state over with. "I just really hate school is all." She admitted after, with the smile still on her face. Dean finally set his bag in his seat directly next to Charlie's bus seat and he sat down as well.

     "I am sure just about everyone here hates school," Dean said before he let out a small laugh. "Seriously though, it would actually be easier to list the people that do like school than to list the people that don't." Charlie laughed softly and nodded in agreement.

     She tilted her head in thought for a moment. "The only people that I know that do like school is Sam and your boyfriend Cas." Charlie grinned at Dean, waiting for his reaction at what she had said. Dean rolled his eyes, though a faint blush came onto his cheeks as he did so.

     "Charlie, Cas is not my boyfriend. How many times do I have to tell you that we're just friends?" Dean tried his best to hide the little crush he had began to form on his bestfriend, but it didn't always work. Besides, he never even came out yet. Charlie shook her head with a smile as she continued on with the teasing.

     "Don't give me any of that crap," She told Dean. "You look at Cas the way Han Solo looks at Princess Leia." Dean shook his head in protest and went to speak up, though someone that sat in front of them interupted their conversation instead.

     The person turned up in their seat and had faced both of them, though focused mainly on Dean at the moment. "I think Dean is telling the truth. At least, I would hope he was. If not, then, well, that's just wrong." The guy gave a pointed look to Charlie and she huffed some.

     "Gordon, we were not talking to you," She reminded him, though it didn't seem to bother him. "And, for your imformation, there's nothing wrong with being gay or simply liking the opposite gender."

     Gordon let out a snort and looked to Charlie like she was joking. "You're kidding with me, right? Of course there's something wrong with it. Everything about it is wrong. It's a sin, and we weren't made to be like that. People who aren't straight, aren't right in the head." Charlie began to get offended and defensive as Dean stood there looking annoyed.

     "Oh yes, definitely. Because you told me that, I'm straight. In fact, I'm so straight, that I now plan to go and insult someone else because of how they were born. Thank you for inspiring me so very much." Charlie remarked to him in a sarcastic tone of voice. The other people around them snickered to themselves but otherwise stayed out of it.

     Gordon rolled his eyes in an annoyed way. "Well, you shouldn't be calling Dean gay or anything like that. We don't need another abomination on this bus." He stated and went to go sit back down, though Dean now spoke up.

     "Who ever said I wasn't gay?" Dean raised an almost challenging eyebrow to Gordon. "In fact, I may not be gay one-hundred percent, but I surely do like guys." Gordon rolled his eyes.

     "You can't be gay, you haven't been with a guy a day in your life," He said in an attempt to argue back. "It doesn't matter anyways, you two are both going to hell." Charlie laughed at Gordon's sad attempt to make them feel sorry and ashamed.

     "That's fine by me, then. More lesbians for me to hang out with." Charlie exclaimed with a grin as Dean laughed. Gordon became flustered.

     "Th-That's not what I meant!" He retorted. "God will make you two suffer for sinning against him!" Dean got closer and leaned to Gordon, getting close with a serious look.

     "Gordon, let me ask you something," Dean started off lowly. Gordon kept a hard stare on Dean. "How do you even know that God is real?" Gordon rolled his eyes.

     "That's easy, Dean," He stated while waving his hand around in the air dismissively. "I know because it says so in the bible." Gordon told Dean and Charlie with confidence. They gave each other one look before they busted out in to laughter.

     "Oh --!" Charlie tried her best to speak as she laughed out loud. "Y-You actually th-think that's true!" Her face began to turn red as did Dean's, his freckles becoming more prominent.

     Dean soon regained his breathing and looked over to Gordon, who had a look of embrassment on his face. "That book was written a thousand years after anything in it supposedly happened. It's outdated. It's unreliable. Noah wasn't the one to build the ark. There is no evidence of God or any god for that matter." Dean smiled to Gordon and patter his shoulder. "I would go on, but this is my stop." He said bye to Charlie before he walked off the bus.

     Charlie smiled and looked to Gordon. "I can continue for him, if you would like." Gordon quickly shook his head, embrassed even more than he was earlier.

     "No thank you." He muttered quietly before he sat back down and sulked into his seat. Charlie let out a soft laugh and shook her head before she spoke up once more.

     "Here's some advice for you," She began and made sure she had Gordon's attention. "Next time you try to prove something, make sure you have actual evidence for your claim, and not just your opinion or your beliefs. You'll just make a fool of yourself again." Charlie stood and got off at her stop, and Gordon kept in his seat as he sulked for the rest of the bus ride.

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