Chapter 19

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I've never really been too fond of sitting in the dark, or being alone. I've never been too fond of sitting alone in the dark with all my thoughts and dirty temptations swirling around me like a tornado ready to destroy. I don't like thinking about life a lot, knowing that where I end up in it is purely based on my actions.

It's like playing a video game where the choices decide if you'll get a good or bad ending.

And the thing about life is, you can't replay if you get the bad ending.

From the glimpse of weather I caught when I slunk downstairs for food, and grumbled about how I didn't want to talk about it, there was a storm rolling in which would explain why it's getting so dark at only six O' clock at night.

There was a car down the street that kept starting up, creeping forward an inch, then shutting off as if the driver was indecisive if he wanted to stay where he was at for the storm, or attempt to drive home.

Staring out the window I could smell the distinct scent of rain approaching, before slowly feeling the first drops patter on my window frame. I'd wait until it started to pour to retreat into my room and shut my window.

Sitting inside and listening to the sounds on the storm I sighed.

It was stupid. Stupid words from someone I was supposed to hate, getting to me. We have only been talking for three months. We've only been friends for one.

That was thirty whole days over all the crazy things I told you about from what could've been chapters of a fricken story or something. I didn't even share the details.

How Gilbert would always visit me while I was working, duck behind shelves trying to be a ninja, before breaking down and buying Doritos and red Mountain Dew. How he would stalk my schedule, and figure when my break would be so his could visit and pester me, then buy me a banana.

How every time he came to my house, my dad would act like he was going to throw a party, cleaning up and making the best foods, just so we could all play Apples to Apples together while I smiled because I was experiencing a real family.

How the second time I went to visit my mom, I allowed him to go with to break the ice, and I had never felt closer to her when he was with.

How we once spent a whole day locked in Alfred's bedroom playing GTA V and eating junk food until I felt my eyes were going to pop out, and my blood was gravy.

He was persistent and comfortable with everything he did. He butt in, made himself welcomed, and soon he was.

He had become part of my family. He had changed my routine, my life.

He had yelled at me, told me to die, told me I was nothing.

The words were hallow though. Meaningless, even from him. It's not like I've never heard someone I love say those words to me before. After sitting, holding back the tears and pain of trying to figure it out, it took me five minutes of crying (not my proudest moment) to figure he was MY friend.

He was becoming part of MY life.

He would just have to get over it.

Watching the rain pour down, and the car continue to creep, I smiled, I actually felt happy, because I had a friend like him.

A friend comfortable with anything he does.


That's why, the day he did something that broke his barriers of comfort, emotions that were more than "like" and "friendship" stirred.

That's when I began to fall in love.


This chapter is kind of Matthew talking to all you readers, like the preface if you remember. It's easiest to imagine you sitting around in an AA room as he slowly admitted how he fell in love with Gilbert.

I thought this would be a great take on the situation, and in the next chapter I will reveal how Gilbert's asking for Mattie to accept the apology goes down!

Because as I hinted in this chapter, that was when Matthew began to fall in love with him.

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