Chapter 9: (Neal's POV) In the Mines

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Love once was celebrated, so why is it so bad? - Rebellious Books

As the car drifts away from the terrible scene, my head throbs and I wonder if I shouldn't of ever gone to the beach that one fateful day. Suddenly, the driver speaks into his radio, "I have the criminal, we are heading to the J.I. right now." The radio buzzes in response, "Good job, and forget about the girl, all we need is the boy." I shudder just thinking about the J.I. The J.I. (Jailhouse Institution) is the most grisly place in our sector. Buried deep under ground, lies the J.I. and all you do is mine for a punishment. Even with all the chaos, my heart is warmed with the fact that Anna is safe. Suddenly we stop and I here the men up front conversing with the grid keeper. Once we start moving I see a small, grey colored hut and look back at our now distant Miami. I still don't understand how I got past the forcefield, but that's not what I should be worring about right now. As we get closer and closer to the strange building my heart thumps with sympathy in my chest, while my head throbs in regret.


As soon as they place me in my section of the mine, I am dying of thirst from the dry trip down. Coughing and gasping I get to work and suddenly hear a sharp voice behind me.

"Whatcha in here for?"

I spin around and a large figure is before me. He looks to be a foreigner, his dark skin glistens with sweat and his sly smile graces his stubbed face.

"My name's Aaron." He states. "I'm down here for organizing protests and scandals against the government. They call our group the Renegades."

The Renegades? That's one of the most intense rebel groups in the sector. Nothing major in our city, but I heard that up in Atlanta the CEO of the district got shot and rumor has it that the leader of the Renegades was in charge of the shooting.

I was thinking of not responding and getting back to work, but something inside me is urging me to speak.

"I'm Neal, and my reason is...Well... A girl."

He chuckles slightly and a look glazes across his face. At first I thought it was humor but it was something deeper. Maybe this black haired, scraped up guy is more than just cuts. And I'm gonna find out.

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