Chapter 8: The Meeting and the Plan

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If you do fall prone to any other feelings we will track you down and find you. - Warnings of Well-Being

As I arrived at the beach, Neal was nowhere to be find. I keep whisper yelling franticly his name. Ever time a bit of hope disappears when there is no response. Suddenly someone behind me grabs me by the hips. I don't scream but do kick and squirm until I am freed from the persons grasp. I whip around and a figure is standing before me. 6'2, loght brown hair, dark skin, abs... My eyes widen and I then remeber why I came.

"Neal, I have someth-" he starts to give me a kiss but I push away from him.

Seeing hurt and confusment in his eyes, I give him a hug but start babbling words that don't make sense, "They found, tracker, bondsmen, coming for us."

Strangely Neal understands and a look I couldn't quite read flickers across his face. He then says, "I have an idea, but you have to do everything I say. Okay?"

I nod. He carefully tells me dirrections to go hide in the water. I wade in the chilly man-made ocean. Suddenly, bright lights, shouting voices, and choas appears. I duck even lower in the water. All I can make out of the voices is Neal saying Anna had nothing to do with the incident. I suddenly relize what's going on, he's sacrificing himself for me.

No, no, no. I can't let this happen. A second to late, I run up the beach, enhaling a big burst of sand from the bondsman's jeep. Right at the moment, I break down in heavy sobs. All the mixed emotions are clouding my brain. Yet, the only thing I can seem to think about is Neal working everyday in the deranged mines. I don't feel like skateboarding, so I slowly walk home. I stop every once and a while to cry and realize what I've done. They were right, love does kill and I'm it's victim.

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